Просмотр полной версии : We are fine, we like each other! All so is remarkable, what even dream...

20.08.2004, 06:30
We are fine, we like each other! All so is remarkable what even to dream about such difficultly! But... We to a great regret cannot make love and both we suffer from it or this... The liked smart, remarkable woman, goods, is gentle, tender... But sex as those for it or her a greater or big problem! When vse-taki it happens at it or her often there are morbid sensations... But more often she cannot even be solved on employment or occupations by love, she can at it or her it is not impossible relax and I in any way and I can help or assist nothing to her though and very much it or this I want! Even an idea on that that tonight... I do not know what to tell and how to explain this situation, like it's OK, from our point of view we ideally approach or suit each other... I hope you have understood, that occurs or happens. And the main thing! We like each other! And very much would like to solve this problem! Zaranshe it is grateful!

Isaev D.D.
20.08.2004, 20:39
Dear A. l. f.! Here and to discuss there is nothing It is necessary to address for the help on reception to the sexologist!

21.08.2004, 10:36
Hello, the Dear Doctor!

Be so are kind, you could not consult on some questions:

1) the Young lady had sad experience of dialogue with doctors as here and behind boundaries of Russia, that is the problem was ascertained but was not solved on it or this to her of difficultly to persuade to go to the Sexopathologist how I can be helped or assisted her with acceptance of this Important decision for both of us?

2) presence us a two on reception Is necessary? (it would be desirable to be here again together!)

3) what not obhodimo to make for the organization of our occurring with vrachom-the expert?

4) our problem has the decision? Whether there is a hope?

5) you could not advise where (territorially) and to itself (particularly) to address for the help?

6) the provisional fee of the expert and very provisional (if it is certainly possible or probable) time necessary for the expert on studying of a problem and purpose or appointment of treatment (day, week, month)?

Wish! It would not be desirable to injure liked even more! As much as possible benevolent and close or attentive attitude or relation to her of the doctor is necessary.

Zaranshe It is grateful.

Isaev D.D.
22.08.2004, 17:02
Vse-taki it is not absolutely clear in what the problem consists: in anorgazmii? In dispareunii (the morbid sexual certificate or act)? In absence of an inclination?
Specify! In any case to understand it is necessary all over again with her, and then already to connect for the help and you!