Просмотр полной версии : To me 23 years. Married 2 years. A heap of gynecologic diseases: dysfunction...

17.08.2004, 03:56
To me 23 years. Married 2 years. A heap of gynecologic diseases: dysfunction of ovaries, solderings, trihomony, a clamidiosis. Thus appreciable depression libido in the last 8 mes and katastraficheskaja shortage of greasing:)). After the sexual certificate or act there is a sensation natertosti and burning sensations. I am not flied or treated yet in view of otsutstvja money. But soon I shall begin. Tell or say, what it is possible to use as greasing now? Whether And after carrying out of course of treatment of the diseases sex treatment will be restored at me and whether there will be a greasing? What for this purpose it is necessary to make?
Many thanks.

The anonym
17.08.2004, 19:31
Both, run to the doctor.
Prezirvativy and so with greasing, to you them ispolzyvat will have now very much dogo.

19.08.2004, 02:53
Interestingly, to what doctor? To the gynecologist or the sexopathologist? At the gynecologist I already was. He also has appointed or nominated treatment about which I wrote from above. I so understand what to be treated it is necessary longly. And what now delat-that?

19.08.2004, 05:35
Money earn with the husband more quickly and be treated. In 23 years such bouquet. Many partners were visible about a marriage. Payment.

Isaev D.D.
20.08.2004, 20:33
Dear nelli! It is impossible to dump the most different things in one heap. There is an infection - she demands treatment. But neither Trichomonases, nor to a chlamydia not can lead to depression of an inclination In it or this it is necessary to understand separately. And as to dysfunction of ovaries all depends by nature these disturbances. It is necessary to find out they are primary or secondary In this process hormonal disturbances which could result or bring both in depression of an inclination are involved and to decrease ljubrikatsii All this demands the most detailed analysis And to make it it is possible only having enough information, therefore to visit or attend the sexologist it is meaningful! I understand, that it is difficult to you to refuse completely intimal contacts before full treatment, but use of condoms is obligatory! Considering it is the fact, you can use as greasing only water-soluble ljubrikanty. Much can be found in intim-thorns, besides it or this Glycerinum, an egg white, gels suits hair. In no event it is impossible to use creams, butters or oils, Vaselinum - all this immediately destroys or blasts a condom!