Просмотр полной версии : Sorry for a question not on yours spetsalizatsii, simply the gynecologist does not respond......

17.08.2004, 23:33
Sorry for a question not on yours spetsalizatsii, simply the gynecologist does not respond... Help or assist please, to me the gynecologist has registered ofloksin 200, Nistatinum and novineton at me a cyst of the left ovary from what these tablets, in anotatsii napisanno absolutely another, whether it is necessary to me to drink them? Thankful in advance!!!

19.08.2004, 15:48
If at me any infection, whether dozhen-was the doctor to me about it or this to tell or say? Novinet I have read through what is it contraceptive, and what for to me it... Razesnite a situation, there is nothing I do not understand!!!: (

Isaev D.D.
20.08.2004, 09:24
Dear Anja! The attending physician or the person who surveyed you (what for can give the Answer only are used these preparations). In absentia to give the reference in such cases risky!