Просмотр полной версии : The doctor where to hand over such analyses and what should be parameters normal...

17.08.2004, 15:54
The doctor where to hand over such analyses and what should be parameters of a normal status zheskih hormones, and also cortexes of adrenals? At me wide shoulders, hair on arms or hand and legs or foots it is a lot of, as at men, and secondary sexual attributes are expressed very weakly and a pilosis too on man's type (not a triangle, volosk are not twisted at all. I am afraid, what is it all from a disadvantage zhenkih hormones and iz-for same I do not test an orgasm, I can do without in general men and even an onanism. All this depresses me. Yes, women as sex partners I do not perceive, as well as animals and t. Item Not izvrashchenka. What doctor and what analyses will help or assist to learn or find out the reasons of my frigidity?

Isaev D.D.
17.08.2004, 18:00
Now there are very many diagnostic centers independent or in clinics, institutes where it is possible to hand over analyses on hormones. Specifications can differ depending on test-systems. But should warn. That specifications for men and women have very wide disorder of parameters. Often absolute digits are important not, whether and sensitivity of receptors of an organism to those and other hormones ("adjustment or option" of organs to perception of man's or female hormones) the Opportunity to experience orgasticheskuju a discharge just is connected with man's, instead of with female hormones, no less than intensity of an inclination! It is meaningful to consult at ginekologa-the endocrinologist, and then to address to the sexologist.