Просмотр полной версии : I for the husband, but there are occurrings to other men. Sometimes simply not poluchae...

10.08.2004, 11:45
I for the husband, but there are occurrings to other men. Sometimes simply it is impossible to use a condom. Exists any agent, from the venereal illnesses or diseases, accepted after the sexual certificate or act can. (can suppositories........). Thanks for the answer.

10.08.2004, 18:47
Condom!!! The only thing, that will rescue or save you

11.08.2004, 07:48
davay tolko proverenym kadram, a ne vsem podrad

The anonym
11.08.2004, 15:23
Yes you that as it cannot be used prizervativ? Good on itself to spit, but on the husband. So it is impossible. You can infect it or him everyone hrenju.

12.08.2004, 02:48
My God, God forbid such wife. The girlfriend at me was such, has infected me horned. So has collected its or her belongings and has expelled on street this very day, and itself then two months it was treated.

13.08.2004, 14:56
The best profilaktika-sleep one or sleep with one! Well you and shalapendra!

For Zjuki
14.08.2004, 20:19
"... Well you and shalapendra! "
Dear Zjuka! Translate or Transfer it on Russian - please!!!

Isaev D.D.
16.08.2004, 04:44
Dear Vika! As the elementary rules of prophylaxis following references can be used: At doubtful sexual contacts alongside with a condom (or at its or his absence) it is possible to use vaginalnye suppositories Nitazolum or farmateks (vaginalnye tablets, Pasta), possessing antimicrobic action.
The emiction right after the sexual certificate or act allows to wash up the microorganisms which have got in a urethra, and ablution of genitals and mucosas miramistinom or 0, 005 % a solution hlorgeksidina (they are issued in special polymeric packings on 100 ml), can sharply lower probability of infection with diseases passed sexual by. For this purpose some drops of a disinfectant solution are squeezed out in mocheispuskatelnyj the channel, 5 10 ml in a lumen of a vagina, and 20 30 is ml used for ablution of an external surface of genitals.