Просмотр полной версии : In what the reason of an early ejaculation at the young man of 25 years. Sexual ak...

10.08.2004, 19:07
In what the reason of an early ejaculation at the young man of 25 years. The sexual certificate or act can proceed all minutes. And happens and less. That it is necessary to do or make.

The anonym
11.08.2004, 11:42
To do or make it is necessary to two. Talk to the partner, it is necessary to apply every possible technics or technical equipment. .uchitsja to prolong. Without its or his desire and your help nothing will turn out

Kuharkin S.A.
14.08.2004, 11:38
Try to use some time gels or sprays with anesthetic. If will not help or assist or will not be znachtielnogo effect - it is necessary to search for the reason already with varchom andrologom. If will help or assist. That is possible popolzovatsja some time. If the effect will not be fixed. That it will be necessary to do or make reversnuju a denervation of a head - very much malenkoe operative vmeshateltvo with good effect.