Просмотр полной версии : To me 44 years, the last some years are a lot of saws, constant stress. Is...

11.08.2004, 10:05
To me 44 years, the last some years are a lot of saws, constant stress. There is a woman liked.
Last year the potency has sharply decreased, I am raised or excited normally, but after nachala-
The erection sharply falls, I have not time to finish the woman to an orgasm, at the orgasm comes.
The doctor, can something advise?

12.08.2004, 02:55
You wish to receive at once thirty three pleasures? Stop to drink, borrow or occupy seriously in itself and all will be adjusted!

Isaev D.D.
13.08.2004, 05:53
Dear Evgenie! Would be most correct to visit or attend the sexologist and in detail to discuss all available problems. I do not doubt, that it is necessary to appoint or nominate some medicamental agents which will be picked up by the doctor And to drink it is necessary to stop!

Kuharkin S.A.
14.08.2004, 11:07
The distinct or clear complaint, harkternaja for venous leakage - the most widespread reason of an impotency. More often after 40 years is a disease, demands hiurgicheskogo treatment, however, if character zabolvanija functional or psychogenic - quite will suffice a course konservatnivnoj to therapy and propritseptivnoj gymnastics.