Просмотр полной версии : Hello! My name is Oksana. I shall be very grateful to you for the help...

10.08.2004, 10:30
Hello! My name is Oksana. I shall be very grateful to you for the help. Understand, at me some questions with which it is simple not to itself have accumulated to drive. And on a mail not too J. It would be desirable to understand everything but if will respond even to a couple - huge human thanks.
The first - and the most important question (it can, and not on your speciality, but I shall risk to ask): how to be defined or determined FOR ITSELF, whether it is necessary to conduct a sexual life? How to win itself pavor to offend refusal of the liked guy? I and on pervyj-that have gone with pity (I know, it was what is it silly, but, to surprise, I have not regretted). Now here we live on a regular basis, to recede kak-that awkwardly, but doubts excruciate constantly. WHAT TO DO or MAKE?
Know, I have been literally assured earlier, that two condoms protect better. However recently vyskrebla the information, povergshuju me in a bewilderment and pavor. The doctor approved or confirmed, that durability of condoms adjoining among themselves is LESS iz-for friction. Now I do not know, to whom to listen. poraskinuv poor or scanty umishkom, I have agreed with this version, but your opinion is very valuable to me.
What else it is possible to use contraceptives (to me soon 15, now only on "Djurekse" and Patentekse-the Oval - can, it is not enough elastics and candles? But to drink contraceptives on hormones without purpose or appointment of the doctor, to insert any terrible spirals and to glue unchecked adhesive plasters I am afraid or rather afraid. Whether it is possible "to write out" independently to itself "Logest"? Care will not damage or injure;hurt)?
And psychologically very much seryoznaja the problem excruciates me here on what question. My guy (at us a difference 3 years) became the man with me as I already spoke, I did not thirst for it or this at such age. But also, as you could suspect, remain thrown I was not afraid, no. That me then moved - I can not respond myself till now. pochemu-that I felt any duty, whether that was a pity to me it or him, itself I do not know why (he in fact so would like, spermotoksikoz and t. Item). And so 4 months and 10 days, more than 20 times proceed. I feel due to him. So it is silly, but the naked truth. This belief of Seems, that I consider or count myself unworthy the guy and ridiculous and nelepo-insignificant on its or his background. I wish something to change. But what?
P. S.: forgive or excuse. I have filled up you with different questions, moreover confused and in disorder But sex and mentality of the person are indissolubly connected (is direct on Freud), and to state separately to different experts - useless expenditure of the and their time, which I at you and so has taken away.
I very much hope for the answer and the help. I wait.

10.08.2004, 22:06
Sanka, ea otvetil tebe v ginekologe. Dumai!

The anonym
12.08.2004, 00:42
You not a thing, listen to the feelings

13.08.2004, 09:39
Oksana! So happens, that tv has already made IT, and the return way is not present. So means live now a sexual life and enjoy that is! Do not think and do not regret of the past, it is really silly also anything except for senseless sufferings to you will not give! If you like each other, means that's all right! If IT happens, means you to it or this already bylt are ready and the more so it was pleasant to you, means about what to regret it is not necessary!!! Now "reconcile" that you already present or true girl and go to the doctor, hand over a blood and under analyses let will register to you oral contraceptives (most not in which case not " to appoint or nominate to itself "! +, and you awake 100 % are protected, and of what to think it will not be necessary to be afraid also of anything too!
More safely! Success! Item with. Do not forget 2 times to visit or attend in a year the gynecologist and to look round on an armchair. Happily!