Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! We with the husband like each other. At my husband a problem with nutrition...

08.08.2004, 02:37
The dear doctor! We with the husband like each other. At my husband a problem with a digestive tube, often I feel not absolutely pleasant smell from a mouth. Before employment or occupation by sex he, certainly, all undertakes for that, chto-it or this would not be, but me for that, chto-completely to want the husband, it is necessary to not feel in general never, any smell from its or his mouth. On me often even any stupor finds, I think: " here, now does not smell "... As soon as I shall think so - everything, desires less. Tell or say are simply my whims (in fact likely the most important, what in time sex is not present a smell) or my reaction is normal and natural? What to do or make to us? Many thanks.

09.08.2004, 04:01
MALENA, you, probably, a Taurus? Then I sympathize.
I have not understood one - and its or his this traht cannot be cured? (well and pshiknut in a mouth chem-nt...)

Dock. Arsenich
10.08.2004, 18:04
Dear Malena! Except for diseases GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT, very much often the smell from a mouth happens from parodontita. This disease is treated and, besides very successfully, by stomatologists. I advise to descend or go to parodontologu and a problem, probably, it will be solved. Success........

12.08.2004, 00:44
Thanks, dock. Arsenich, but at it or him with an oral cavity all is perfect.

12.08.2004, 18:24
Thorn: Why a Taurus?))) I rakinja:-) To cure gastritis is absolutely impossible (only exacerbations are taken out or removed), he zhevachku chews or everyones there "rondo", but weigh den-in a mouth something you will not hold... A problem: - ((

13.08.2004, 07:18
Malena, alas... If you are so scrupulous in this question (that quite normally), search the new partner. As well as everything, I recommend you to interrupt "unsuccessful" attitudes or relations in their beginning then to not expostulate on " many years together, at us the child " and t. Item Knowingly search of the "polovinki" so difficult - study to suffer or bear and choose.