Просмотр полной версии : zdrastvujte here I prochel about givi same am incomprehensible at me an organ 14 and ka...

06.08.2004, 20:46
zdrastvujte here I prochel about givi same am incomprehensible at me an organ 14 and as after that me to start out a sexual life it was reflected at me in a brain in the whole 18 differences can eat what that of technics or technical equipment of elongation write pozhalusta

The anonym
08.08.2004, 00:00
Lelik, do not experience, Givi-the joker of the Caucasian nationality!!!

09.08.2004, 06:45
And what he badly "works"? It is necessary to look never at whom who has more or less, the main thing that was better sex, is more than temperament, petting, in fact not always the size testifies to hypersexuality!

Isaev D.D.
09.08.2004, 18:31
Dear Lelik! I hope, that you already enough mature person to understand, that qualities of partner attitudes or relations are defined or determined not by the sizes of arms or hand, a foot, noses or other parts of a body With your genitals all in the full order and "do not complex" in occasion of someone's stories!