Просмотр полной версии : Whether safely to be engaged in proctal or anal sex, if an organ at the husband of 5 sm in diameter?...

30.06.2004, 01:13
Whether safely to be engaged in proctal or anal sex, if an organ at the husband of 5 sm in diameter?
How to be prepared? I do not have experience and I am afraid of pains, break of muscles and tp... And the husband wants (I it I see). Can eat agents...???

The anonym
03.07.2004, 16:31
You are afraid, means you will be broken off or will become torn necessarily. As itself has adjusted or has set up, and you will receive. The idea is material and is executed earlier, than will take root into consciousness of your brain.

05.07.2004, 00:50
Fuck and not bais <I-(

07.07.2004, 07:17
Be not afraid, 5 sm in diameter are completely not lethally:-) I has more - and nachego it is alive:-) the Main thing, that he with you gently and closely or attentively... Success!

08.07.2004, 08:04
If ourselves have spoilt muzhiks proctal or anal sex suffer or bear, read the literature, there are the special creams anesthetizing and weakening or relaxing (the magician. Sex a shop on the Internet) if itself pleasure you will not receive, though the pain will not be. And still suggest the friend to thrust in the form of the erotic imagination to him in a proctal or an anal aperture that nibud like the claim. A member or an ear of corn. As a rule men of very much regret and with itself do not allow so to act: the to them it is a pity to the priest. And if you will refuse to regret also yourself he will go to prostitutes. To choose to you.

The anonym
10.07.2004, 08:49
Lara, well why necessarily "suffer or bear"?! It is possible to do or make it to mutual great pleasure. And about erotic imagination... Too compassionate to the the priest of the man is far not the fact:-)

11.07.2004, 22:32
Well and how to be prepared? Such big subject so simply to enter in popku does not want... And it is sick... Advise how to be adjusted or be set up, how to relax. And more - can at me there there is no such big place????

The anonym
15.07.2004, 16:43
There is there at you a place, do not experience! Use greasing. To relax He to you should help or assist - to excite or raise up to an extreme degree the laskami. And to begin not with " the big subject ", and with palchika (can even some times so, yet do not learn to relax and be adjusted or be relaxed and be adjusted;relax and be set... YES, a muscle there - well very elastic, therefore break it is not necessary to be afraid too. Yes here not time about it wrote, if it is necessary to you even more in detail... Success!

(_x _)?
17.07.2004, 02:37
Zadnitsa at which at home the computer, can perfectly find references about preparation in an Internet, and to solve costs or stands or it is not necessary to be engaged, your private affair: 8 []

The anonym
18.07.2004, 11:12
Rustle with archive, you will find required and not be annoying up to ridiculous:-))

22.07.2004, 09:34
Most simply: before it or this is a microclyster, then - Vaselinum. To get used it is necessary since small diameter, thus it is obligatory as soon as vvodish-on the sly pout, it is exact as at oporozhnenii. To pair or steam trainings and all will turn out. Only he a way costs or stands, and you it or him "be cautiously put on", then slow friktsii well and further up to an orgasm, I hope up to mutual. Misters! - it is more konktretiki on exciting questions.

The anonym
26.07.2004, 02:03
Nata, your reality should be zasunuta in a proctal or an anal aperture without VASELINUM!

To the husband!!!
26.07.2004, 14:37

Starting a coitus, tenderly and slowly stroke the woman, banish excitement and haste. Only after energy in a body will come in movement, heavenly and earth will come to the consent, the man and the woman will incorporate to mutual pleasure: there comes grandeur. Force In will not suffer injury or damage, in force JAn there will be no disadvantage so and through one hundred days of a coitus the man's organ will not lose force. Partners will test spiritual affinity, not staying at all in affinity carnal, and their energies will incorporate by itself even if their thoughts will not be uniform.

Creating " the late sitting ", cultivating in souls or douches the world and pleasure, pronitsaja the spiritualized energy internal and external, the man and the woman will incorporate or be bridged consensually with each other and every day will experience for certain statuses of all thirty two heavens. Here that such, " following heart to reach or achieve pleasure ".

The anonym
30.07.2004, 02:15
Any subject which, according to your plan, should or can get inside a-sa, and the aperture a-sa dolzheny to be not only pure or clean, but also plentifully greased ljubrikantom.
Human rektum (rectum) has a flexure, and your partner needs to know, stimulation of which point and under what angle gives to you the greatest pleasure, and he cannot learn or find out it or this if you to him of it or this will not tell or say. It means, that you should discuss with it or him positions and angles at which is better to carry out stimulation of a rectum. Positions, primenimye for a-go sex, are identical to positions at vaginalnom the sexual certificate or act.
Pull out all the subjects placed by you inside of a rectum, very slowly. Including a penis.
All the subjects which have visited a rectum, cannot be used for stimulation inside of a female vagina if after that you have not washed out them most carefully. Besides be convinced that your fingernails or nails accurately podstrizheny and under them are not present a mud.
The people who are taking a great interest or are fond a-ymi by sexual certificates or acts, should do or make periodically the test for presence of venereal diseases. And as many think, that this time them will carry by, they never address to doctors and inform nobody on the predilection for the proctal or anal sexual relations. Probably, all would be where to ask a question easier if doctors were accustomed: " you kogda-nibud were engaged in proctal or anal sex? " However and in this case hardly it is possible to expect, that answers which he will hear, it will be possible to consider or count truthful.
Never and under no circumstances be not engaged a-nym in sex if only you for 100 percent or interests are not assured, that your rectum by way of.

The anonym
31.07.2004, 01:25
Be not engaged a-nym in sex if it causes you a pain. As soon as you will have questions or doubts, at once address for consultation to the doctor or the qualified expert.
To warn disturbance of function a-nyh sphincters (partial or even full of an incontience of a feces) and to increase their force and consequently, to give greater pleasure to the partner, is necessary to do or make daily exercises Kegelja for perineal muscles.

The anonym
31.07.2004, 09:34
Be not engaged a-nym in sex if it causes you a pain. As soon as you will have questions or doubts, at once address for consultation to the doctor or the qualified expert.
To warn disturbance of function a-nyh sphincters (partial or even full of an incontience of a feces) and to increase their force and consequently, to give greater pleasure to the partner, is necessary to do or make daily exercises Kegelja for perineal muscles.

The anonym
03.08.2004, 15:52
<I-(-<I-(-<I-(-<I-(-<I-(-<I-(-Never be engaged a-nym in sex in an ebrietas or after reception of narcotics. Your rectum can suffer from it or this more, than any other parts of your body. A-nyj sex demands, that both is both "driver", and "passenger" - were guided by sensible mind or wit and light memory.

To the husband!
07.08.2004, 12:15
If she p p - do not insist... H in which y not p to her py!
Make to lady p, very much p, but do not finish itself. y it is very quite good p sex, but do not forget - all attention only to lady, do not allow her to caress you. y, y, a member - all on yy the person, all for it or her.;) Tender words, love in p - all for it or her. Care, tenderness - for it or her.
Tell to her as p to caress it or her as p with her to be as even the lung p delivers to you pleasure... Tell, that anybody in p is not present y it or her, and p to her in eyes. And y skilled or experienced enough that it was visible and in your eyes.
Whispering words, p in y all over again it is a little, then p and p, a member p to her, p, that you like... Necessarily p it and outside of bed, show, how you p to see it or her, py its or her life, everything, that p. p, not pp. The main sex - love and more p love for it or her.
Convince it or her that to you that she has terminated that you agree to forget about yourself is important, to forget about all on light - for it or her! And y and dreams.;) y, y y all is clear? H? p?
And then - she will make everything that was p y to you. y the core psychology, instead of physiology. In fact to lady, especially p p, a-l it is enough p. p, it p for everything, that you wish from it or her to achieve.
H in p usual sex to caress its or her fingers there where you want y. In p p thrust to her a finger in a-with, it y it or him p.
That up to p the certificate or act - it is obligatory y that she p is washed up, it is desirable y to wash up it or her, if she enough pp (differently happens, is also such, that do or make everything, but here to wash together not y. p y, that " is bed, and outside of bed it is necessary to behave p ").
Any ointments and "p" - y. The saliva, and women natural allocation - is quite enough for introduction of a member.
H p! Especially p. It is very quite good, if you p yourself to iron it or her, and she likes it to do or make and does not hesitate of you. It in general is very useful. H y to whisper, as to you p even y-y (and strongly to insert it is impossible in any y in p p) p in it or her even if anything, p pp on y p you do not test it or her. p they in all over again, p it is very strong. And it is sick of it or him, certainly.
After p p y it is easier - y they know pains, moreover if you or she yourself iron it or her - y and y to begin y - unusual, vse-taki, y.
Poses for such certificate or act I personally two y - p p p. It when she on a stomach or belly lays. And to enter to her y, and to caress it or her. And p when she lays on a back - then to caress herself she y) It is possible for her in py to give pyy y-or that as though two members py - too p can be.
And ___ - not y it or her p for " very strong y ", p she has delivered to you. Especially, if it not so. By the way, y p, certainly, but nenamnogo.

Again to him, tolstochlenniku!
08.08.2004, 13:49
In p the certificate or act in every possible way show, how to you it p, you can even make what p did not do or make, p there, pp, "my God" posheptat, unusual, a word... Tell to her after as to you was p, pozakatyvaj eye sights or eyes, poizvinjajsja p her, but " to me was ochen-very much p ", here what to not hesitate p.
p y to do or make not py, p y if lady p, that it is more never such to do or make y - y. Will make. H not p with them, it moveton. p do or make how to her y, and then, after p very strong y it or her, refuse usual sex, p, to ppy, pososat you, and then, having embraced and p to itself, posheptav tender words, stroke it or her, and it is gentle p. Will give up - so it is possible and "to take offence", to her will want to apologize that to her p, and you of anything. Yes it is possible and to state. Here y also catch an instant y!;)
And again - " as to me p ". Both again and again caress to her, pohvali it or her. H y to tell or say, what she... All words that you will find. If it is strong p y - p y on it or this. H yp for itself in this p do not search. In py p - p, not stone she, especially if you y p.

09.08.2004, 09:34
In occasion of comments Naty. First time "to be put on" it is not necessary, it is fraught with mistakes or errors and a pain:-)