Просмотр полной версии : Hello! At me such problem. I very much like the husband, but sovershe...

31.07.2004, 03:25
At me such problem. I very much like the husband, but at all I do not want seksa. Probably, it iz-that he does not satisfy me. For all period of home life (9 years) I have never tested an orgasm. I do not suffer from it or this, but the husband takes offence, when I refuse to him. But in fact it is impossible to overcome itself each time. Prompt any output or exit.

The anonym
03.08.2004, 04:57

The anonym
04.08.2004, 12:10
Oralniisex vse ispravit... dostav sebe i emy ydovolstivie..

The anonym
05.08.2004, 02:47
And he too cannot orally satisfy you?

06.08.2004, 17:40
Natural tsvetochaja pollen under tongue (driply) plus comb honey with pergoj improve a man's potency. Natalia, a counter question. Prompt to itself, what you have personally made that the husband satisfied you?

08.08.2004, 13:13
Seven-flower and as I am able to do it, same physiology

09.08.2004, 05:43
What physiology? We in chemistry in University had one teacher, pochemu-that was sneezed often, thus letting out wild sounds from an intestine. We, clear business, could not restrain and laughed loudly or roared. He wiped zhirno-the meat face and shouted: " That neigh, physiology of the nature! " Here and at you something turns out similar. There is no such physiology that the woman did not wish to make love if it or she does not have illnesses or diseases. Your pair nine years costs or stands on one place, anything thus not undertaking. It would not be desirable because do not receive satisfaction. It seems to me, you should visit or attend the sexologist together with liked for the decision of your disharmony. Study or investigate the body, zrogennye points each other, having relaxed, give more time for a prelude. Esteem American sexologist Barbara Kisling, she gives many clever references for women. Natalia, once having received an orgasm, your home life will begin with a pure or clean leaf or sheet and you - to the present will feel, that such love and we shall find true happiness from sex games. Sex should study. To refuse to the husband it is not necessary, will quickly find replacement and delight by the party or side. Success!