Просмотр полной версии : I from 14 years was engaged in a masturbation, now to me 21 now almost it or this have not put...

30.07.2004, 22:26
I from 14 years was engaged in a masturbation, now to me 21 now almost it or this I do not do or I make, but sometimes happens. I do not have girl and never was. But sex experience had with the prostitute, was drunk and and an orgasm has not received, it is first time, and second time was engaged in proctal or anal sex with the prostitute an orgasm has received but all has occured or happened very quickly, and completely has not been satisfied.
That you can advise me in general and in attitudes or relations with girls. That at me not so it turns out.

Isaev D.D.
02.08.2004, 16:03
Dear Evgenie! Normal high-grade sex attitudes or relations cannot be with prostitutes. It is a substitute! Therefore be guided that such attitudes or relations should be built with the liked person, and their main maintenance or contents becomes psychoemotional affinity (instead of ubivanie its or her alcohol or the depersonalized contacts).

04.08.2004, 11:13
Without insults the doctor, but with prostitutes there CAN be absolutely normal sex attitudes or relations. And here about alcohol, it agree completely.

Isaev D.D.
08.08.2004, 10:57
If the woman only object of sex desires, instead of emotionally close person or if the man it is not capable of deep feelings he will consider or count, that attitudes or relations with the prostitute is normally... 30 years ago the founder of a domestic sexual pathology S.Vasilchenko described such people as faces with genital type of reaction and specified, that most typical he for faces with the lowered intelligence (the Woodpecker, without insults!)