Просмотр полной версии : And here when I am engaged in sex, in the beginning all is good, and then vanishes oshchushchen...

06.08.2004, 16:10
And here when I am engaged in sex, in the beginning all is good, and the sensation of a vagina then vanishes.
You here wrote about harm of a masturbation by way of occurrence of the stereotype of satisfaction. So that it has disappeared to me it is necessary to stop masturbirovat?

Isaev D.D.
08.08.2004, 00:49
Dear Andrey! Speech about harm of a masturbation did not go! Simply at some young men the stereotype of sensations during self-stimulation is formed rigid and significant for them, and transition to affinity is perceived as a situation in which penis stimulated insufficiently strongly (or not as has got used ), therefore there is a necessity for various methods of "transition period" before development or manufacture of a new, natural stereotype. Thus the masturbation will be only a handicap in development or manufacture of a new erotic stereotype. Probably, that in your case at partnershi during affinity there comes a relaxation of muscles of a vagina and weakening of stimulation, in this case it is desirable that she on a regular basis trained muscles exercises Kegelja and could compress densely a penis