Просмотр полной версии : Some months I meet (and now and I live at it or him) with the young man...

06.08.2004, 02:50
Some months I meet (and now and I live at it or him) with the young man, we with it or him very much like each other. Attitudes or relations remarkable (short of, that he is a person very closed in) - there is also a heap of tender words, both tenderness, and constant kisses with embraces), but... Sex, similar, for it or him in general on last place. And, with an erection it's OK, but in most cases he rejects my initiative under a pretext early to rise, not now, was not in soul or douche, etc. Some times I have not restrained, zakativ a hysterics, but he sincerely was perplexed, in what a problem - as he said, sex not the main thing, unless 2 times a week a little, etc. Can, and it is not not enough, if 1 time is some or a little bit hours of rough imagination, but it is usual no more poluchasa, and 1 ejaculation. I do not wish to change the partner, I wish to make love to it or him, and the masturbation to me has not enough for moral satisfaction. HOW IT or HIM TO WAKE, force to understand, what all its or his imaginations osushchestvimy (and they at it or him are), what sex can be much and good? P. S. He besides is not dissolved yet with the wife and though both of them young, sex in marriage or spoilage at it or him was such - time in New year)

Isaev D.D.
07.08.2004, 12:15
Dear Olka! If serious feelings at early stages of attitudes or relations could not "wake" the young man the probability of such changes in the further is not high. And experience of its or his attitudes or relations with the wife testifies, that for it or him it is "norm or rate"! Obviously, what is it corresponds or meets to its or his sexual constitution, sex need or requirement, therefore he and "brakes" under different pretexts the Unique variant is that he paid more attention to you, caressed you more often, than required it or this! Also it is necessary to him to explain it, for achievement of an identical level of satisfaction by intimate relations.