Просмотр полной версии : I problemma consists that I am very quickly raised or excited and I can even...

06.08.2004, 11:25
I problemma consists that I am very quickly raised or excited and I can even from a picture erotic, and at exaltation is vydeleija semens, besides I quickly finish, whether it is necessary to me to address to the doctor and in what way it is possible to delay an ejaculation during the sexual certificate or act, thanks!

Isaev D.D.
06.08.2004, 20:53
Dear Igor! During exaltation the secret of auxiliary sexual glands (Cooper's glands) is allocated. If the ejaculation is accelerated and does not bring satisfaction to you, partnershe it is possible to address to the sexologist i/or to esteem references under the control over an ejaculation in answers to similar questions.