Просмотр полной версии : Podskajite pojaluysta otnositelno bezopasnye protivozachatochnye tabletki...

04.08.2004, 08:50
Podskajite pojaluysta otnositelno bezopasnye protivozachatochnye tabletki. Mne 21 god, u menia 1 postoyanny partner, cykl stabilny - 27 dney. Ya ochen hochu detey, no ne seichas:) a prezervativy my ne lubim oba. spasibo.

Isaev D.D.
05.08.2004, 12:26
Dear Alena! Efficiency protiivozachatochnyh tablets is very high - she is at a level of 98 99 %. But the choice is desirable for making after consultations of the gynecologist!