Просмотр полной версии : mi s parnem zanimaemsya sexom uzhe 2 goda i za eto vremay mnogo raz zanimal...

01.08.2004, 19:23
mi s parnem zanimaemsya sexom uzhe 2 goda i za eto vremay mnogo raz zanimalis sexom bez prezervativa. .bilo OCHEn mnogo vozmoshnostey zaletet. .no nas ni razu ne ugorazdilo.. v prinzipe horoshe konechno. .no mi nachali podumivat poslednee vremya moshet kto-to iz nas nesposbniy zachat rebenka? on u menay perviy. a u nego - net, mne vrachi davno stavili diagnoz vospaleniay yaichnikov. .eroziay sheyki matki.. utonshenie stenok matki itd. .no po poslednim obsledovaniyam vse ok. u nego zhe nikogda sluchaev beremennosti partenersh ne bilo. (1 2 partnershi bilo). kak opredelit svoyu sposobnost zaberemenet krome "pryamogo" sposoba-zaberemenet? est li kakie-to analizi?

The anonym
03.08.2004, 01:16
At men - spermogramma (the analysis of ability spermatazoidov to a fertilization), to women as it seems to me, it is necessary to make simply a heap of analyses for gynecology (hormones, US, visual survey, etc.) Happens, that the woman cannot become pregnant iz-that it or this its or her hormonal background (does not grow ripe the ootid, napr does not allow), but it gives in to correction.

Isaev D.D.
04.08.2004, 17:32
Dear Eve! If there is a question on an opportunity of sterility or barrenness inspections begin with the man is easier! It Is done or made spermogramma. At women all appears so difficultly and not always clearly, that it is meaningful to resort to its or her inspection only when at the man all in the full order, and pregnancy does not come within two years of regular contacts without preservation...