Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor, whether the truth, that frequent use interrupted sexual...

31.07.2004, 06:03
The dear doctor, whether the truth, what frequent use of the interrupted sexual certificate or act (konchanie " in trjapochku ") can lead to a prostatitis or an impotency?

01.08.2004, 12:20
In general, speak, it is not so useful. But that it is direct to a prostatitis.... I shall tell or say to you on a secret, the prostatitis - from the diseases passed sexual by begins, instead of from konchanija in trjapochku. So here where it is necessary to be cautious - and to not sleep with whom has got.

The anonym
01.08.2004, 20:20
And what means konchanie ff trjapachku?
I on a stomach or belly to the girl finish, or on a breast.. It is pleasant to her..

Isaev D.D.
02.08.2004, 22:33
No communication or connection with a prostatitis can be! And here necessity constantly to supervise time of offensive or approach of an ejaculation to have time interrupt in time the sexual certificate or act can to lead to neurotic failure, and at the weak sexual constitution - to problems with an erection.

03.08.2004, 04:15
ajbolitishka it is not competent - come in konfu urology and in search you will receive all correct answers