Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor, please answer a question. At my friend simply gip...

27.07.2004, 15:20
The dear doctor, please answer a question. At my friend simply hypersexuality, to him always and only a little. It or he has a mistress, and not one, there are simply communications or connections casual after parties, the prostitute, know that the wife it or him SO satisfies, that I can envy simply to her (on such it is capable!). To him all time should be finished", if there is no series of the woman he - it does or makes, cannot fall asleep yet will not terminate. Whether I heard about what that psychological to-dependences, whether ot-frustration. How it mozhngo to explain from the point of view of meditsyny? Thanks.

28.07.2004, 20:13
Irina, a minus to you as to the woman.

01.08.2004, 05:21
From the point of view of medicine: what does the man do or make normal at abnormal frigid ladies? pogodi, will get to him such from which to not come off then your questions will be inutile, primitive. And whence you know as it or him the wife satisfies? You precisely do not give that energy, a highlight and passion if runs to prostitutes. Certainly meet low-grade muzhichki which the quantity or amount of victories is important, but it usually happens in early pubertate. You "obshchakovyj" hlopchina probably has not found unique and is unique desired. All ahead. And in general the similar behaviour is not a subject to discussion. Look better behind itself, you in a role of whom here act?

01.08.2004, 10:36
Thanks for answers, lovely ladies! It is a pity that ay not doctors. My role? And you that that before? Mother I to him! It is happy or enough? I also cannot understand its or his mother..:)))