Просмотр полной версии : Whether it is necessary to feign an orgasm? I with young chel. 6 months we are engaged ljubo...

17.07.2004, 15:37
Whether it is necessary to feign an orgasm? I with young chel. 6 months we make love, and it seems to me that on the one hand it is offensive to feign an orgasm, deceiving it or him, on the other hand is insulting to look as he tries, and I probably iz-for excitements cannot be unloaded in any way, it would be desirable poberech its or his force and to give pleasure to him. So it is necessary or not?

18.07.2004, 16:27
Unequivocally is not present! If the problem with an orgasm is, IT or she should be solved, instead of to pretend, that the problem is not present. If you will feign, you MCH will consider or count, that all OK. And you so also will not test an orgasm, and then also very strongly it or him will offend, when he learns or finds out, that time you pretended to all this. And he learns or finds out!

The anonym
19.07.2004, 15:27
Interestingly as he can learn or find out

23.07.2004, 14:19
Dear (yj) on August, 03rd 2004 16 : 59 : 29. You probably consider or count us men as insensible animals. It is possible to take infinitely for a ride only to those of us who never had to feel a female orgasm. And who through it proshchel, at simulation will necessarily suspect wrong though will not submit to a kind.

The anonym
25.07.2004, 08:31
I think, that it is possible to train muscles so, that simulation of an orgasm will be similar to the orgasm and the man what will not guess

28.07.2004, 02:51
It is possible. It is possible and myshtsi to train, and a shiver in a body to feign, and dummies or papillas to make sticking out, and a back chaotically to scratch, and the tired happy face to writhe, and shine in opinion of, and to live so up to the extremity or end of a life... It is possible even "Oscar" for it to receive! But it will be much easier to tell or say about absence of an orgasm to the partner and together to solve this problem!

31.07.2004, 02:26
To pretend and be silent about absence orgazma-it is harm personally for itself. Six months yet that term to run into despair. Having talked frankly with the guy, will begin more intensivnorabotat above itself, to learn AND LEARN or find out AND LEARN the bodies, erogenic points, to study or investigate new positions which will be significant for reception of an orgasm:-) do not pay attention to Igor's imaginations for cleanly artesticheski similar it is possible to represent, but it low and dishonestly on otosheniju to the partner, instead of having tested full uleta in zapredelnost, you you will remain it is unhappy itself. Work, carry on dialogue and certainly itself esteem how to deliver more to the man pleasure from which at you the most raised feelings will be most. Success!-))