Просмотр полной версии : Such problem!!! To me 20, like such the age for that that vljubl...

25.07.2004, 12:45
Such problem!!! To me 20, like such the age for that to fall in love, be engaged in sex, and so forth. .noja why that nemogu will fall in love, to not like me why that girls. .vrode a lot of nice, clever with which it is pleasant to me to communicate... But all is peer not mine nito chtoto... I already asked such question... As that to me responded that the love happens only time in a life... (was ljubov only in 16 l... And all...))) what to do or make neznaju and so that would be desirable to have the girl at last... And sex with the unloved person. .vseravno that that with "log" here taka. .istorija..

The anonym
26.07.2004, 07:44
Very sad history...

27.07.2004, 10:20
And what only silly women are not seen with this site! For the author: if there is a purpose, always it or her will achieve! _ a thing, it is impossible to get then when it wanted. She finds always us unawares, accidentally, but the one who has felt the present, that true lucky person! Recollect Pushkin: " all age are obedient to Love! " 20 _ not an occasion for disappointments! Still only begins: - (((

The anonym
28.07.2004, 22:34
.. Not a thing...

29.07.2004, 19:01
Always us unawares, correctly!!!!!!!!!!

31.07.2004, 01:36
Search for the reason in itself! If the girl with you "log", can also you not better?