Просмотр полной версии : The doctor, at me a problem probably more psychological, but she is connected with with...

Elena (another)
29.07.2004, 17:57
The doctor, at me a problem probably more psychological, but she is connected with sex and consequently I am addressed here. I do not know why, but all life (me now for 40) me only tried to put at once to bed. At the best from the second occurring. Was and some attempts of rape. But anybody never tried to look after. And I never could and so at once, without accustoming. It is More than if with me managed then and it is raspingly, I could not meet in general more and broke acquaintances. I even complexed one time in occasion of the appearance - thought, that she any causing. But put on always modestly and behaved too. So it till now also remains for me a riddle. Though now in view of age of interested persons, certainly, became much less, but zhelajut-that all of the same and anything else - only sex, and as a hobby anything. The doctor, I not so understand something? Why in me do not see the person? And women at job are dared or laugh, speak, try or taste, can, it is pleasant. Has tried or tasted three years ago (nobody spoke). As in soul to itself has spat. Now, probably never I shall be solved. I abnormal?

30.07.2004, 14:12
Dear visitors! Very much I ask nobody to respond me, let only the doctor will respond. Please!!!

Isaev D.D.
30.07.2004, 19:19
Dear Elena! By your description, you always behaved in such a manner that men simply felt, that have the right of you "to make happy" for this purpose not always it is required to behave defiantly, sometimes and the opposite behaviour forces some men to believe, that such modest woman will not give up Such behaviour often name "viktimnym", t. e. "Sacrificial" to help or assist you to overcome a different sort of a problem in mutual relations with men it is required to pass or take place a course of a psychotherapy. Then you will start to choose those men who are necessary to you also itself will conduct with them so, that they will change also the behaviour!