Просмотр полной версии : We with my sex partner (the groom liked by the person) we live faktich...

25.07.2004, 14:08
We with my sex partner (the groom liked by the person) we live actually on different doomsday, sootvetstvenno videmsja it is the extremely rare: raz-dva-three in a floor of year. We very much like drug-the friend. Sex turns out perfect, but there is one BUT...
It or He very quickly has an ejaculation (orgazm-name as want), it complicates offensive or approach of my orgasm a little. I do not go in cycles in it or this because he any other ways finishes that that the beginnings. And "speed" is written off or copied by that I madly raise or excite it or him. In other words perevozbuzhdaju.
Tell or Say. There can be it the reason of such fast orgasm?
And how I themselves need to conduct what it or he would have enough forces and for me?

26.07.2004, 07:19
And you too excite or raise more feasibly. Start to be raised or excited since morning before appointment. Think, recollect, burn impatience. Then you will reach or achieve an orgasm though and is fast, that is natural after long separation, but simultaneously.

Karmen for T.L.
26.07.2004, 16:03
:-) As I burn impatience already since that moment. As prrovozhaju it or him aboard the plane or after itself I depart, every night, with myself and simultaneously with nim-I do not know, simply I do not know.
I physiologically reach or achieve an orgasm quickly only at mastrubatsii, and at high-grade sex to me it is necessary for a high-grade orgasm to time. Which I though am ready to present just for the hell of it liked person, but nevertheless the aspiration to harmony gde-that vglubine me asks a question: " How to prolong? And t. Item "

The anonym
27.07.2004, 00:39
Certainly, fast semyoizverzhenie also speaks that he longly abstained and " strongly wants ". You tried or tasted some times successively? With each subsequent razom the interval up to a man's ejaculation is longer. In general, it is possible to try it or him otlech from offensive or approach of an orgasm by sharp action, strong shlepkom, to pinch (not up to a blood certainly:-))

27.07.2004, 03:52
Open Company, for shlepkom and a sting business does not cost or stand;-))
Costs or Stands poprobyvat:)

And in general. I feel. That for such cases it is necessary prepasti odinu-other pair good anegdotov-for derivation of attention;))

27.07.2004, 19:07
Not iskljuchenno that he is sick and at it or him ifektsionnoe disease. Let pulls out ahead of time has a rest, then again begins, and so while.....)

Isaev D.D.
29.07.2004, 07:18
Dear Karmen! Really. After long separation there can be a sharp shorting of duration of affinity, but the subsequent contacts should be more long. It is possible to achieve greater duration. If the partner to lay down on a back and relaxs completely or is completely relaxed, and you have a seat on it or him from above and carry out movements. In such position it is easier to him to supervise an ejaculation. It is possible to agree, that he will stop you during the moment of approach or approximation of a discharge and you during this moment squeeze its or his penis at the basis (for 2 3 seconds) exaltation spadet and it will be possible to continue movements further. Then again a stopping and so some times. But let first of all will finish you in a prelude to a status predorgasticheskogo!