Просмотр полной версии : Hello. Owing to the lowered desire and problems with an erection obrashchals...

25.07.2004, 08:38
Owing to the lowered desire and problems with an erection addressed on inspection. Oragnicheskih patolgy it is not revealed any - functional frustration (there was a big break in sex), a neurosis of expectation of failure. Small zajstojnye in a prostate - how much or as far as I have understood the phenomena, an initial stage or even simply predisposition to a prostatitis. Complex course of treatment - procedures, medicines is offered, to consultation. It while is dear or expensive to me, and there is a suspicion in its or his some redundancy (clinic dear or expensive and "prestigious"). Questions. How you consider or count, it is meaningful to try or taste simply exciting and tonic agents (all analyses at me in the norm or rate, no special contraindications are present)? Viagra tried or tasted - works, but dorogovato... As you concern to laveronu - how much or as far as he luchshe-worse. CHto-to something or something else can recommend (vse-taki dorogovato it for me)?

The anonym
26.07.2004, 07:01
First 3 weeks the calming or abirritating, any cheapest, tinctures of a passionflower, a peony, a granule "calm" nervohel, Valeriana, Leonurus. Then adaptogeny-limonnik, sterkulija, rodiola, levzeja on 10 15 kap. In the morning and it is long in the afternoon (there can be problems with a dream in the evening), with breaks. Refusal of smoking, bad alcohol and beer. A diet with walnuts, dried apricots, a parsley. Warm trays or basins with a camomile (to sit in a basin) and hot (up to 40) mikroklizmochki with the same camomile. Can, for the beginning, certainly, a cream hinkolin (a unpleasant smell how partnersha will concern?) all will be restored, do not hurry up.

27.07.2004, 05:12
Thanks the anonym for the answer. Still it would be desirable to hear the dear doctor.:)

28.07.2004, 09:19
Andrjush so it is endurance or quotation from the book of the doctor. Here one kudesnitsa copies and dispatches or delivers. So thanks Isaevu, instead of anonimke. Here only this pomojka does not know where to insert these reasonable verses.