Просмотр полной версии : Hello. Whether tell or say, please, it is possible to be engaged in sex and as often p...

22.07.2004, 13:01
Hello. Whether tell or say, please, it is possible to be engaged in sex and how often at pregnancy?

24.07.2004, 00:35
If pregnancy without complications it is possible, but it is accurate. On the big term do not recommend.

26.07.2004, 12:27
Sex life during pregnancy.

To give advice or councils in occasion of sex attitudes or relations during pregnancy to the doctor it is very complex or difficult. Before to make any decision, the doctor needs to remember, that on it or him depends not only health of the woman and the future child, but sometimes and happiness of both spouses. Thus he should remember that for many people their happy minutes of a life very much tsenny, and they for the sake of them are ready to neglect danger of cleanly physical malaise.
However denying that fact, that sex attitudes or relations during pregnancy can have (and often have) serious consequences, will run into the same delusion, as the doctor preferring interdictions. It is very important to analyse carefully all pro and contra.
Let's begin with contra. We shall consider or examine, what conclusions can be put forward for continence during pregnancy. Arguments in favour of its or his following: the coitus can cause or call rising of a tonus of a uterus therefore emission of its or her contents will follow, in other words, depending on on what month of pregnancy there was a woman during the sexual relations, the last can become the reason of an abortion or premature birth or births. In these cases there is a danger to a life of a fetus. If the sexual certificate or act has accelerated labors only nenamnogo such danger is not present, but enough often there is a premature break of a bag of waters that leads to augmentation of duration of sorts or labors, and, hence, there can be serious troubles with health of mother and the child. Besides in this case there is a danger of a postnatal or puerperal infection as the sexual member is the carrier or bearer of pathogenic microbes which are postponed in depth of a vagina where find during sorts or labors favorable medium for body height and as consequence or investigation, can cause or call the general or common sepsis.
Other argument against the sexual relations during pregnancy is connected with delicacy of tissues of sexual ways which at this time are softened and nabuhajut. Very sensitive during a menses, they, naturally, become much more sensitive during pregnancy. Abundantly clear, that during the sexual certificate or act there can be small breaks which will have much more serious consequences for the pregnant woman, than for menstruating, as iz-for possible or probable bleedings and because they open doors to pathogenic factors. Stronger break in connection with local augmentation krovenapolnenija tissues can cause or call a bleeding representing threat for a life of the woman. However we shall notice, that the serious breaks caused or called by the sexual relations during pregnancy, meet very seldom if only the man did not operate or work too raspingly. Relative small number of serious breaks is connected with a colpectasia and the increased elastance of tissues. But even small breaks can be avoided, if it is good to grease genitals, that will provide excellent or different sliding during the sexual certificate or act.
Objection vrachej-experts against the sexual relations with the pregnant woman iz-for the increased sizes of a stomach or belly also not absolutely obosnovanno. Quite right, that at the big duration of gestation pressure upon a stomach or belly of the woman can appear dangerous. But as that this danger can be avoided is correct also, having chosen the most sparing pose for the sexual relations.
We do not know, whether the semen is harmful to an organism of the pregnant woman. However we know, that during pregnancy absorbing ability stenok vaginas sharply increases. Probably, in this case the organism allocates substances which will neutralize the intruded alien or foreign albumins. At least, we have no proofs of that the semen is harmful to an organism of the pregnant woman. If this harmfulness has been proved, it would be necessary to undertake corresponding or meeting safety measures.
As to danger to the man to receive an inflammation of a urethra as a result of contact to a secret of a vagina of the pregnant woman here save the value or meaning;importance of the reference in occasion of menstrual vydeleny.
The close attention is deserved only with two questions:
1. Whether there is a danger of what the sexual certificate or act can become the reason of an abortion, premature or births in time?
Whether 2. there is a danger of complication of sorts or labors a postnatal or puerperal infection?
Answering the second question, it is impossible to deny, that a similar sort the infection happens enough often. It proves to be true statistical conclusions. However the volume of the sample used for it or this was very insignificant that it was possible to consider or count the received conclusions the conclusive proof.
It is obviously not enough for the answer to the first question of data. We do not know, how much the coituses accomplished during pregnancy, has ended with an abortion or premature birth or births. From medical experience follows, that such danger is especially appreciable within first three months of pregnancy and she, naturally, it is more for the women inclined to abortions and premature birth or births on a state of health. Obviously as well that to the extremity or end of a duration of gestation the sexual certificate or act can cause occurrence of patrimonial pains.
Summing up told or said, it is necessary to note, that if the woman is healthy, if its or her uterus is not inclined to abortions if during previous beremennostej such predilection has not noted been if the sexual certificate or act is spent with as much as possible careful attitude or relation to the woman if partners avoid any unnecessary boring of female genitals if spouses carefully keep rules of hygiene and, at last, if we shall exclude last four weeks of pregnancy the danger connected with the sexual relations, to the pregnant woman will appear extremely small.
Arguments pro have basically psychological character. First of all, it is necessary to find out, whether the pregnant woman of continuation of sex attitudes or relations wants.
Here we at once collide or face with the first difficulty. There is yet no general or common opinion about, whether the sex desire of the woman changes with pregnancy. The majority of authors approve or confirm, that during pregnancy this desire sharply decreases. Thus they draw an analogy with changes in behaviour samki in fauna. Others, making minority, consider or count, that the sex desire at the pregnant woman increases owing to more erethitic status of genitals.
Many vrachi-gynecologists marked or celebrated ascending sex desire of the woman in the beginning of pregnancy. However these observations cannot serve as the proof of augmentation of sensuality of the woman during pregnancy. Such intensifying of sensuality is shown - to a miscellaneous and depends on temperament of the woman and term of its or her pregnancy.
On the basis of available data it is possible to draw a following conclusion: if up to pregnancy sex attitudes or relations between spouses were not too successful if the woman received only partial or very weak satisfaction, the desire immediately died, as soon as the woman became the pregnant woman. Happened or was possible even, that she showed undisguised disgust to erotic laskam the spouse.
On the contrary, if sex attitudes or relations between spouses developed happily, during first half of duration of gestation the desire was completely saved. Moreover, at some women even there came time or temporary ascending sex desire. In second half of pregnancy it decreased and established or installed at any certain level.
The modern psychology convinces us, that the soul of the woman is responsible for the compelled or forced absence of sex sensations the diversified pathological signs among which in the foreground there is a pavor . From here enough one step to recognize normal sex attitudes or relations during pregnancy. And it naturally enough as arguments of the psychological order confirm desirability of maintenance of sex attitudes or relations during pregnancy.
It is absolutely impossible, that the man has sharply interrupted the sex activity on such long time interval and simultaneously remained gentle and close or attentive. Even the authors protecting regulations about of harmlessness of sexual continence, should recognize, that the similar sex pause can lead to nervous failures, flashes of bad mood, depression of working capacity and what completely to secure nervous system of the woman it is possible only in case spouses for a while rasstanutsja.
But the woman who likes, will do the utmost to avoid this parting. In fact nobody can guarantee to her, that there will be no another which will console the husband during their separation. And nobody can assure it or her, that the husband will leave or abandon the competitor to return to her when the reasons for parting any more will not be.
Thus, reasons in favour of sex attitudes or relations during pregnancy are much more convincing, rather than arguments contra.
Necessity of an interdiction arises only at threat of an abortion or very big duration of gestation and, certainly, at illness or disease of the woman. In these cases, naturally, no exceptions can be.

The used literature: Buffoons And., Sadikova N. - All about a matrimony. Minsk.