Просмотр полной версии : Zdravstvuite Uvajaemi Doktor. proshu pomoch sproblemoi. Mne 38let, jenat...

Dima from Israel
25.07.2004, 15:00
Zdravstvuite Uvajaemi Doktor. proshu pomoch sproblemoi.
Mne 38let, jenat, let 10 stradaiyu chronicheskim prostatitom. no regulyrno nachajus pod urologicheskoi lichenii, poslednoe vremya propalo jelaniye zanimatsya sexom raz v dve nedeli yeli sprovlyaus ito ssiloi. ranshe ne bilo tak. pomagite pojalusta. sposibo za otvet.

Isaev D.D.
26.07.2004, 10:40
Dear Dima! For the answer to your question it is necessary to have the additional information. 1. Than the chronic prostatitis, what its or his nature is caused or called? 2. What treatment receive? 3. What attitudes or relations in marriage or spoilage?