Просмотр полной версии : Dear Dmitry Dmitrievich! pozhajlusta help or assist, will address not to to more...

14.07.2004, 06:35
Dear Dmitry Dmitrievich! pozhajlusta help or assist, will address not to itself more. We are married 5 years, to the child 4 years, at us perfect family, but there is nothing impossible (at me), in bed, I am engaged manstrubatsiej (clitoris), already for a long time, all attempts privlech to eomu the husband in what have not resulted or brought, is not pleasant to me, to tamu, At the husband a so-called premature ejaculation, was checked on the latent viruses, a prostatitis, all analyses in norm or rate, and not what inflammations have not found. Tell or say the Doctor really not iskustvennoj theories, I do not know that, that 2 persons would test an orgasm being engaged lbovju with each other while it for me is simple katorga.

17.07.2004, 02:16
The girl if at you obojudaja love, you should study or investigate very well erogenic zones and the spouse and to not go in cycles that sex otnoshenija-it katorga, and to study, study and more time to study. There is a set of the literature which should be studied or investigated together with the spouse, not only reading, but also practising... Eventually visit or attend the competent sexologist who will help or assist you to disassemble the reasons of your discrepancies. Ljubov-it is the whole science, art if want also it or him comprehend all life!!!

Isaev D.D.
20.07.2004, 11:21
Dear Olja! The Main thing is the openness and confidential attitudes or relations with the husband. You feel presence of such problem and cannot be adjusted or set up to the full on affinity .. And as result - absence of a discharge. Similar, that the husband has "complexes" which prevent to be to him opened or open and to correct the problems and to help or assist you! The internal help of the sexologist is necessary.