Просмотр полной версии : Hello! To me 24 years, with the constant partner we 4 years. 2...

13.07.2004, 10:02
Hello! To me 24 years, with the constant partner we 4 years. 2, 5 years ago I have given birth to the child and then I have lost sex interest to the husband, doctors spoke what is it all temporarily, but any changes, the desire happens only once a month. How to cure my problem.

14.07.2004, 15:26
Unfortunately at me the same problem! After sorts or labors I on fingers can count how much time I tested an orgasm, though to the child already almost 2 years. .sama I do not know as it to correct, and doctors speak too most... Though friends given birth or travailled devchyonki tell, that longly searched for the certain pose... And kak-that prinorovilis:)