Просмотр полной версии : Once a week tell or say please, how much, or in a month normally to be engaged...

09.07.2004, 14:39
Once a week tell or say please, how much, or in a month normally to be engaged in sex, my husband wants enough often, and me once a week more than enough. Can at me a problem what?

09.07.2004, 16:27
Yes all at you is normal. Simply people differ different temperaments and sex needs or requirements. In general such concept as "norm or rate" in sex is not present. Komu-Someone is necessary 2 times a month, and someone 5 times a day. I read, that on the average people of 25 30 years are engaged in sex 2 3 times a week. But it is an average parameter, and each person - it is individual. Come with the husband to kompromisu, gde-you concede that to him, gde-that he to you.

10.07.2004, 23:38
The term - more than is not absolutely clear enough. The desire of the woman to be engaged in sex in many respects depends on the man. If this most once you will satisfy (you take pleasure, an orgasm) - give the initiative to the husband. For example, whether when I asked earlier the girlfriend she wishes to borrow or occupy in sex - she seldom responded - yes. Spoke, that it is tired and wishes to sleep, that it is not necessary to stick to her now. And now I any more do not ask. I simply begin gently, but persistently to caress it or her (certainly excepting those cases when she badly feels herself), and she is raised or excited. Certainly more slowly, than during those moments when the desire at it or her is initially, but is raised or excited, and I receive huge pleasures when I see as in her the desire wakes up. And here during this moment she always speaks - yes. So if he wants and you are not present - relax and enable him to give to you pleasure. Let will caress you. It is very probable, that he can get or start you. And here if you are irritated with its or his persistence, at absence at you desire - then better frankly talk with each other and understand why it goes. If it will not turn out - descend or go to the sexologist. And in general to you has carried that the husband often wants. In this konfe it is a lot of women who are interested as to lift a potency to the man. Success.

Isaev D.D.
12.07.2004, 00:35
Dear Blond! Now obshcheupotrebimym in a sexology there was a concept of " partner norm or rate . It exists alongside with individual norm or rate. Each pair finds that optimum which corresponds or meets to their needs or requirements and to opportunities the Level of sex need or requirement at women can is strong vary in due course. But for achievement of harmony and the consent in family it is necessary to find the compromise. It also will be your norm or rate!