Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon the dear Doctor and visitors of a site! Has pleasantly amazed or struck the report...

"Alaverdy" to the report Evgenies
08.07.2004, 00:54
Good afternoon the dear Doctor and visitors of a site! Has pleasantly amazed or struck the report Evgenies:) I shall try to explain why. All of us, often, it is long about pomnogu we speak about technics or technical equipment of sex, forgetting about feelings. Believe, I am right. Before did not reflect on that what at us with the husband the sex, what technics or technical equipment - all was ok! And an orgasm, and everything, all... But, costed to me only each "detail" 7 intimal dialogue to consider or examine;survey under "microscope" and to compare to that as as at others, questions began to appear... Problems... Began to seem, that something does not suffice. The husband was surprised, what with me? But gradually. I have come to conclusion, that it is not necessary to think of it or this! If there are feelings, the mutual respect - all will be simply remarkable. And more, girls, advice or council - to the man that proceeds from it or him is much closer to you, therefore if you very much want something, any certain caress - simply tell or say, but do not ask and do not point attention. He will make all, but... Hardly later. It or Him, to men, it is the extremely important, that the initiator something such juyli they - our dear or expensive and unique. And in general, not dumajteju as as to you sdelat your elect, enjoy that wish to make happy it or him! I assure you, he does not remain in a duty or debt. Also do not forget, what this happiness - to caress liked! Success and happiness all of you!

08.07.2004, 08:41
Excuse, but you have written simply nonsense. Vo-the first, sex is possible or probable not only with liked, but also with the person with whom it is simply good on lives and in general many variants, with unfamiliar too is sometimes absolutely remarkable leaves:-). And vo-the second, at you simply underestimated self-rating, t. To. To you has occurred to compare the intimal life to a life of others. The doctor directly writes, that for all there are no ready answers, all we different. If at you and all so is remarkable, what for and to correct.
And here if people feel inferiority of the attitudes or relations, not comparing itself with others then also the help appears is necessary. And in general, what for chush-" dear or expensive and unique "? Domostroj any!

08.07.2004, 23:20
And prohozhaja - we has not understood that, that it is a question of feelings. All has translated or transferred in a plane of reception kajfa from "unfamiliar". Vidat the aspiration to carnal joys, has deprived with its or her elementary literacy:)

10.07.2004, 14:05
And Ljamurzik we considers or counts that, that with "unfamiliar" feelings do not happen, here an ill luck... And sex, bednjazhka as " carnal joys " only perceives, and on most dele-that and with unfamiliar it is possible to feel itself in a unification and the maximum or supreme ipostasi, so to say. If only to not impose to itself foolish principles of Christian morals.