Просмотр полной версии : I want every day. It is necessary lech in bed with the wife and at once vozbuzhajus and...

27.06.2004, 14:46
I want every day. It is necessary lech in bed with the wife and at once vozbuzhajus and hochuuuuu.... And the wife far not every day - happens also week does not want. If that turns out rezuljarno (sometimes) can want in day, but it in that case if time 2 three for a night dlizos was - then one - two days I can make a break. How to be? It would be desirable so though howl? And the wife does not want, or wants but cannot be ready, her chilly and painfully, and even when is not dry - all the same happens painfully though I and caress have tried all and I try to do or make all gently and accurately...

28.06.2004, 09:37
I wish to join a subject precisely takajazhe nonsense - I the healthy young muzhik and it would be desirable me practically every day and repeatedly but it is necessary to the wife no more than 1 time a week the truth for this time she has time to go through 3 5 orgasms to her it is remarkable and mneto what - Should be presented a pancake unsatisfied muzhika-malicious irritable and on others ba.. t e women only also looks from all it or this start to follow skandalchiki that fine that large takchto me shchas sometimes start to get ideas orazvode and in fact we live 5 years and I like the wife and synishku-here what history!!!!

29.06.2004, 01:12
I have same sensations as well as at your wife. Therefore I know the answer. When you want, do not think, that one your desire suffices to get or start the wife! First simply embrace it or her, kiss in lobik as the little girl, talk to her quietly. Allow her to feel care of her, simply gentle attitude or relation. Then also it is gentle and n e t about r about p l and in about move further. Do not suppose also its or her idea that you try for the sake of yourselves. All for it or her! The Main thing do not hurry! When she will be ready, you will understand it. To be mistaken it is impossible! And so to her painfully, unpleasantly, and this all remains in consciousness!

29.06.2004, 17:36
Muzhiks this normal phenomenon, how much or as far as I know from experience. Dare, create!!! Listen to Gold. To everyone the approach is necessary!

30.06.2004, 19:12
YES! At all will not alter, but appreciable results can achieve. Every day, can be and not once, with breaks odin-two days.

30.06.2004, 21:59
Gold of the right! My husband and does or makes! We can lay simply hours having embraced, he caresss my hair and pays compliments. And it does not mean, that to him this prelude is easily given. But for it I like the husband even more. Happens, all over again like and it would not be desirable, and then also itself you ask:))

01.07.2004, 20:33
Yes, carries the some, and at me all on the contrary, I want every day, and the husband is not present!

03.07.2004, 05:29
You believe there was at me one in my life that wanted together always and everywhere!!! Could in a taxi, after a sauna. I simply sat at it or him on arms or hand. Could on a business occurring on picnic, for kustikom... As soon as uedenilis and forward!!! Always our eyes were passionate! Always!!!
In night, believe (it too for me it is unique!) - - we wished 10 and more times! And not looking, that to him 50, and me 33. And the sizes probably approached or suited, or that else - I do not know. The temperament can? I still search for the answer to this question. Has already passed or has already taken place year, but always I close eyes before sex what to present it or him again and so to wish... But it is impossible.

03.07.2004, 23:52
Yes, I have not told or said, that not only tnochi we were stratsnymi. But also days. As soon as there were houses. What to change clothes for other business occurring - our sex blew up in neponjato that!!! Fejverk, a volcano. A tornado!!!
Yes, certainly, he also entered into me with a scratch... He broke through me through at length and at width... vah to repeat...

04.07.2004, 10:35
Let yours the wife will be checked up on venereal diseases when it is wet, should not be sick.

05.07.2004, 05:14
Huge sipasibo for advice or councils - Especially Gold. And I shall do or make. Alexey - listen to its or her advice or council too - search for the blessings near " that you will sow that and pozhnesh ", and ideas about razvozhe drive away and do not think at all - these ideas you will destroy all that it was possible to have. And in general yesterday was takooj sex that simply abruptly. She at once was excited or raised also both of us did not want that night came to an end. Only here one question still gets me. I can nevertheless as that is sick, how much we time for noch would not have affinity I always still I want. Eslib he always stood, probably would like and had all the night long without a stopping (well and it is natural at desire of the wife). And gold once again thanks.

06.07.2004, 10:53
Carries the some!!! I too want every day.

08.07.2004, 02:25
Children or Guys, to you has carried, and so I want... I want... I want... But.. I get tired so, coming home I fall not in forces itself it is undressed, or I work on the house I shall not fall yet, and all why - the husband comes home late, and I cannot sit and prepare for sex, at me a cloud of affairs... And he the muzhik strong, can in 6 rise, in one o'clock in the morning to come, and then to be surprised why I sleep and I do not run to him towards with passionate embraces... It is very insulting, in fact in target, when we at home, from bed not vylaziem... Why the man does not understand that the woman gets tired... In fact I sit at job and I think only of that as though suddenly to come to be with it or him series... And all the day having scrolled as fiber in a wheel simply I fall... Your wife too can gets tired, is usual in such cases recommend to help or assist her on the house but then it turns out as in a joke - " the husband so gets tired, that hardly to a bed crawls ", tried or tasted, does not help or assist. Can to her of it or this it would be desirable at the certain o'clock? I here precisely know, that at me "rush hours" till a dinner and after:) but even at dinner I think of it or this. Here... Already begins...