Просмотр полной версии : The doctor, tell or say, and that, presence of an easy or a light;a mild "fish" smell in the extremity or end of day (even...

23.06.2004, 03:17
The doctor, tell or say, and what, presence of an easy or a light;a mild "fish" smell in the extremity or end of day (even at regular keeping hygiene) is not norm or rate? And even if after podmyvanija greasing easily smells as "fish"... It means, what not all vporjadke? I was checked, analyses have shown, that flora normal. Or it is a question of a sharp unpleasant fish smell when it is not so normal? Thanks

The anonym
23.06.2004, 11:53
What analyses? Basically the fish smell is one of external attributes gardeneleza. But certainly, not the fact, that you are sick gardenelezom. Hand over a smear on gardenelez once again that otmesti or to confirm this diagnosis.

24.06.2004, 17:53
No, at me is not present nikakoo the PUNGENT SMELL. The husband speaks, that any woman smells as "fish". And at me my smell does not remind a fish... By the way, I for the first time hear about the specified illness or disease. She concerns to what category? What consequences of this disease? How it is treated?

26.06.2004, 05:15
I do not smell as a fish in general!!! The normal woman should not smell as a fish if that smells or she does not wash, or it gardenelez!!
gardenelez concerns to zppp. Hand over smears, it yours can is simple osobenost such smell.

26.06.2004, 11:27
I try to find the description of illness or disease (vainly).. Has found only about that at gardenelleze purulent discharges... At me such is not present... Plentiful vydeleny too is not present. No troubles on gynecology too are present. For 5 years of a sexual life all both was, and remains. Whether it is necessary to me to worry? Probably, my husband is simply pinned, in fact the individual smell of the woman too is complex or difficult for comparing to something. I for this year often visited or attended the gynecologist, I think, that if there were suspicions, I would be directed on dop. Analyses. Or I am not right?

Thorn (not the doctor)
27.06.2004, 23:31
JAnka, we are very glad for you.:) than you smell, washing the vanilla courtesan?:))) Bet, calm down, all is normal. The doctor if saw the reason - for a long time you would start to treat. And in general, the concept of "fish" is easier analogy from the real world. I even shall tell or say what fish - a flounder.:))) but everyone speak this or thus joking, itself has begun to smell really plenjashchy... Especially when the woman is raised or excited... So do not hesitate to smell, ladies!:)

29.06.2004, 09:37
To tell the truth, probably it not "fish", and is simple you probably chut-hardly podprevaesh within day. At me too, especially when I wear synthetics, to the extremity or end of day there is something similar. So it and at muzhiks as! Try to make minet to the husband after the working day, without douche, I assure you, zadohnyoshsja! And gardenelyoz is one more kind of the latent infection. Always take a smear in zhensk. Consultations, even to you can not tell or say it or this. So not parsja you, really!

30.06.2004, 02:25
Yes, but, apparently, that muzhu-that just also is not pleasant, time the girl so worries!

01.07.2004, 08:29
The smell of the woman depends on very many factors. And he becomes, for example, more tart if the woman likes acute, not so attractive if the woman smokes, eats many onion and garlic. (it is considered, that the most attractive smell of women - vegitarianok, non-smoking, taking a great interest or fond flower teas) Besides winter - time of warm things, ourselves to themselves we frame a couveuse... Very important factor - it is not necessary to rinse itself infinitely. (t. e. It is not necessary to take a great interest or be fond in syringings, it washes away flora). Very much much zivisit from immunity. At the lowered immunity the organism can consult not always with the functions from what there are any annoying trifles.
And about a degree rezkozti a smell - in that case when disease really exists also it seriously - this smell can be noticed and through clothes (not in the winter, certainly - in the summer), and he not from pleasant. I to you can advise to use daily napkins - they very thin and with them really is more comfortable.:)

02.07.2004, 12:51
Dear Bet! It is necessary to be checked up at the venereologist, t. To. Such smell should not be at any delivery. Success!

Isaev D.D.
03.07.2004, 13:53
Dear Bet! Not a subject for conversation in section a sexology, a problem it is necessary to discuss All this with the gynecologist, but at health of the woman any "fish" a smell does not happen...

04.07.2004, 22:13
Less fishes it is necessary to eat.