Просмотр полной версии : At me a problem: I want own castration (full excision external is hollow...

25.06.2004, 15:07
At me a problem: I want own castration (full excision of external genitals). From this think I test very strong exaltation, but it is not assured or confident: whether it is necessary to meet the desire and to perform operation? There Is an opportunity to perform operation by means of the good surgeon, in clinical conditions, but there are doubts. What will you advise me?

27.06.2004, 05:55
jurchik-ogurchik, you are raised or excited with an idea that you HAVE no man's genitals or what you have something similar to the woman from below and it is constant with you?,)

28.06.2004, 21:09
No. I not the transexual.

30.06.2004, 05:40
Then leaves, what you are raised or excited with affinity of female organs, so go for it kid who to you stirs or prevents? Find class devchyonku with class..... Plant or put before itself and be pleased in breaks between sex.

01.07.2004, 07:27
Necessarily descend or go on reception to the doctor, not virtual. For now: buy or purchase to itself family cowards and to them go, not so it is appreciable. Pisaj as the woman that he on eyes did not come across to you. After operation there will be a mass of other problems, and back already to sew more difficultly.

Isaev D.D.
02.07.2004, 17:39
Dear Jury! It is a subject for very close or attentive and serious trial with the sexologist. There is a need or requirement to make castration? Then for what? Or raises or excites an idea on castration? These are absolutely different things. In the second case it is a variant mazohistskih tendencies and experiences. And in the first - a problem otverzhenija the floor or aversion of a body It is necessary to understand itself by means of the expert not do irreversible Can you write about itself more in detail on el. Ddimai08@mail. ru address and we shall try to understand a question. After that I shall send you the test which will help or assist to clear a picture.

02.07.2004, 23:35
For oshn: It is. Does not suffice:)