Просмотр полной версии : My girlfriend speaks, that never in a life masturbirovala. As you think...

29.06.2004, 03:53
My girlfriend speaks, that never in a life masturbirovala. How you think she speaks the truth? To us for 20 years! By sex it is or are engaged on a regular basis (every day on 2 4 times) in current of month. Thus she does not finish, speaks, that to her it is simply pleasant. And then kak-that began to finish (last week), speaks, that has terminated. Actually she seems to me does not wish me to injure (because I very much wish to satisfy it or her and she sees it.). It or her it is very a pity to me. I do or make all for the sake of it or her. She speaks, that finishes. Actually I many times saw as the girl finish. At it or her it does not resemble. Easier it or her does not shake, the vagina is not narrowed and in general except for sharp sighes - anything. There is such orgasm or she deceives me? She orgasm iz-for masturbations can does not test. Why she is not engaged in it or this? What does she see in it or this bad? I do not understand!
Thanks for answers. All with holidays:)

Isaev D.D.
30.06.2004, 19:29
Dear VIT! To age of 20 years in a masturbation was not engaged about 30 40 % of girls. So words of your girl can be trusted. If at it or her by this time has not woken up sex libido also needs or requirements for self-stimulation were not
As to an orgasm variants of its or his display at women the great variety so shodu to do or make a conclusion about simulation is not necessary! Quite probably, what exactly is those orgasticheskaja a discharge at yours partnershi which in due course will get brighter painting

The anonym
01.07.2004, 07:03
Well also that, I too not masturbirovala till 26 years, have not met yet the friend had problems with an erection. It was necessary. And now at me both the husband is, and sex at us almost every day, and all peerly I like masturbirovat.

Parade of planets
02.07.2004, 12:45
Mine too not mastrubiruet _ not a pathology!