Просмотр полной версии : Zdrastvujte the doctor. For me it is very important, therefore I ask directly. That...

27.06.2004, 04:06
Zdrastvujte the doctor. For me it is very important, therefore I ask directly. What does the girl when in it or her finish feel? Whether she can feel what in it or her have terminated? A problem that at us the condom has torn and I do not know when it has occured or happened (in her, or when I it or him 0. Two more questions: where and how it is possible to pass or take place the test for pregnancy? Where, in what clinic it is possible with the least risk for health to make abortion? If it has any value or meaning;importance, to us for 17 years, we live near to Moscow. In advance thanks for the answer.

Isaev D.D.
27.06.2004, 18:32
Very much many women cannot define or determine the moment of an ejaculation and whether there was she. In drugstores are on sale ekspress-tests for pregnancy which show presence those on very early terms (in a week of a delay monthly). And of abortion to think still early! I Hope, that all is not so fatal! I wish good luck!