Просмотр полной версии : The doctor! At exaltation at me the jew is plentifully allocated colorless transparent...

11.06.2004, 22:28
The doctor! At exaltation at me the colorless transparent liquid is plentifully allocated. I very much complex after it or this to an occasion (especially during oral sex) as from it or this it is possible will get rid. In advance thanks.

Katerina Ivanovna
14.06.2004, 07:05
It is not necessary to complex at all! It is absolutely normal! At all so-called greasing is allocated, someone has more at someone less, it is absolutely normal

Alexey Alekseevich
17.06.2004, 08:53
It is normal, a secret bartolinevyh glands, at all of you it is good

Elizabeth Petrovna
20.06.2004, 11:38
And you who, the man or the woman?

Maria Velihov
23.06.2004, 22:29
Plentifully? Badly, be checked up at the doctor:-)

27.06.2004, 06:55
And to you how much years??? If it is more 12, all in porjade!