Просмотр полной версии : Kind time of day! When I was engaged in sex with the girl, prezer...

Crazy Progarmmer
19.06.2004, 02:13
Kind time of day!
When I was engaged in sex with the girl the condom has torn, but up to an orgasm was still far (minutes 20 - 30). Duration nezashcheshchyonnogo the certificate or act - 5 - 10 minutes. Then other condom has been used. At the girl during this period there was an ovulation (prior to the beginning of a menses there were 2 weeks). Presumably, in a vagina has got kuperova a liquid. In 20 hours the girl has accepted 0.75 gr. levonorgestrela (1 tablet postinora), in 12 hours reception has repeated. Side effects was not. At my girl an irregular cycle (+/-3 days). For 10 days prior to the beginning of a cycle basal temperature not above 37 degrees (nearby 36.8).
Questions. What probability of pregnancy, considering the facts described above?
How to distinguish a natural menstrual delay from a delay at pregnancy? Now prior to the beginning of a menses there were 10 days. But the girl already feels approach or approximation of the beginning of a cycle.

The anonym
19.06.2004, 08:45
It is necessary to wait these or it for 10 days plus some more and then to go to the doctor if business or affairs will not come at her.

19.06.2004, 23:09
You worry too much. The some people constantly use a method of the interrupted sexual certificate or act - and anything. And at you that was once, moreover so much measures have undertaken. Yes she will not fly (tfu-tfu-fie). One percent or interest from hundred.

You Zy
20.06.2004, 10:54
The probability is, though also small. postinor have accepted pozno, it was necessary at once, through chas-two. Besides time - two weeks up to a menses - too rather having for conception.
That she feels the beginning of a cycle - normally, but it not a cycle, and consequence or investigation of reception postinora.
About the interrupted certificate or act - if not against updating in family, certainly:))