Просмотр полной версии : My guy positively concerns to oral sex, but only with mine storo...

18.06.2004, 05:26
My guy positively concerns to oral sex, but only for my part. And he considers or counts what to give to me pleasure in such a way - humiliating for it or him. Probably it only a prejudice as earlier it or he did not have an experience in similar things. How to me to overpersuade it or him and it is soft to it or this to push?

19.06.2004, 20:08
And it can be simple he is afraid to appear insolvent in this business if it or he does not have experience? Probably, it is necessary pomyt-podbrit-priukrasit-to sweeten gentle dyrochku? Whipped cream, sgushchenkoj and t. Item? And the guy podpoit chut-hardly that it was liberated? Or pornushku to him to show, where it is done or made? Eventually to explain to him, that for love there are no forbidden or "dirty" places. It is possible to like the person or everything, or in any way. And otdavtsja or entirely, or " we shall tell or say amicably: on figs it is necessary ". Success, Skyer! By the way, what does it mean?

20.06.2004, 08:58
If does not want, it is not meaningful to force. But voobshche-that is really desirable to show him a porno and to hint as you it would be pleasant, if he has worked - conscience at it or him can and will wake up