Просмотр полной версии : Zdrastvujte! The doctor, whether it is obligatory udoljat varikotsele? On how much I ponima...

15.06.2004, 19:39
Zdrastvujte! The doctor, whether it is obligatory udoljat varikotsele? On how much I understand, zabolivanie dangers to a life including sexual, does not represent. So what then sense flattery in these or thus "dear or expensive" for muzchiny places with operation? Zaranie thanks!

The anonym
15.06.2004, 23:05
VARIKOTSELE (an armour. varix, varicis - expansion of a vein, a varicose inflation + grech. kele - a protrusion, a tumescence; the synonym - a varicose phlebectasia of a funicle seed or spermatic), a varicocele, can be accompanied by a pain and feeling of gravity in the field of a testicle at an exercise stress, sexual exaltation. It is caused by rising of pressure in a renal vein, for example, at its or her narrowing that leads to a return current of a blood in jaichkovoj to a vein and development of a varicose varicocele. There is more often during puberty, when inflow of a blood to man's genitals the most intensive; at later age at 8 - 20 % of men. Most often the reasons of development varikotsele are a failure of the valval apparatus internal jaichkovoj veins; congenital delicacy of a wall jaichkovoj veins which not in a status to resist to hydrostatic pressure of a blood being her; the greater or big length and a narrow lumen of a seed or spermatic vein.

The factors contributing to development varikotsele, are long sexual exaltation, the raising of gravities, etc. Advance of process can lead to an atrophy of a testicle. At varikotsele enough various disturbances of a spermatogenesis often come to light or are taped. In overwhelming majority of cases varikotsele develops at the left, that is connected with a confluence internal jaichkovoj veins in renal under a right angle; on the right it is marked or celebrated less often iz-for confluences right jaichkovoj veins in a vena cava under an acute angle. An establishment of the diagnosis for the urologist (see Urology) or the sexopathologist (see the Sexual pathology) does not represent difficulties. However at presence of accompanying displays of disease (depression of a potency, fruitless marriage or spoilage, disturbance of function of kidneys) are required special researches. At varikotsele restriction of an exercise stress, ordering of a sexual life is recommended. Treatment at any age and irrespective of the reasons of occurrence surgical. At was well-timed the spent operation function of a testicle, as a rule, is restored.

TO YOU TO SOLVE!!!!!!!!!
17.06.2004, 14:49
Varikotsele - Varikotsele - a varicose varicocele. Develops more often during puberty. Occurrence is caused by rising of pressure in a renal vein, for example at narrowing its or her lumen. In overwhelming majority of cases it is observed link sided, that speaks anatomic features of outflow of a blood from the left half of scrotum. Contributing factors: long sexual exaltation, a raising of gravities. Advance of process can lead to an atrophy of a testicle, sterility or barrenness.