Просмотр полной версии : To me 24 years. A sexual life I conduct from 16 years. Always desired, vozbuzh...

15.06.2004, 04:59
To me 24 years. A sexual life I conduct from 16 years. Always desired, exaltation and pleasure from the sexual certificate or act, but never ispytovala an orgasm. What to make to me or my partner, to test an orgasm?

16.06.2004, 01:30
Diana, well what for such concern in occasion of an orgasm? Whether for a tick he is necessary to you that? You Speak, you test exaltation and pleasure from sex? - well and it is perfect - enjoy! - and the orgasm under the certain circumstances for certain will come, to you simply should chutochku carry. And you instead of it or this soar a head and noesh as next klusha in this konfe. (Ah, we with the husband live together 3 years, but for this time never tested an orgasm what to do or make? And t. Item)

17.06.2004, 11:38
Diana, I can share the experience (and with everyone whom interests). Only it mnogovato will borrow or occupy places, and not so it would be desirable to bear or take out it for general discussion. If interests, my july_to@maul. ru address.