Просмотр полной версии : To me of 17 years, and I still the virgin. In my life there were many situations, when I...

10.06.2004, 18:02
To me of 17 years, and I still the virgin. In my life there were many situations when I could oversleep with the guy, but always something stopped me... I can still something is not ready to an adult life, or in this sort, I do not know... With the young man we recently have begun zanimasja a petting, more precisely, about one yesterday we were engaged only nekingom, and yesterday he has entered a finger to me into a vagina, and the most interesting, that I have not felt a special pain besides its or his finger has entered up to the extremity or end, and in case of with two fingers there were no problems. And so, I wish to learn or find out, can, I do not have hymen? Besides I am concerned by that he has thought, that I not the virgin. Whether it is necessary to me to talk about it or this to it or him now or to wait, when he will start talking about sex? How, not speaking directly to let to him know, what I the virgin? In advance thanks.

11.06.2004, 10:20
Dear Maria, all depends on a structure of a hymen: she m.. So elastic, what even at the sexual certificate or act is not torn, but only is stretched or dragged out, and the blood thus does not happen, and is torn only at sorts or labors. So, all at you is normal.
And about that you are a virgin, tell or say directly, with it or this it is not necessary to pull.
And in general, advice or council from my personal experience (I do not know, will listen or not): do not hurry up!

12.06.2004, 09:43
marusja, thanks that have responded. I, basically, know, that at me all is normal... Only it would be desirable, that He knew about it or this also... But I think, in the near future about it or this I shall tell or say. I do not know, can, He and guesses it or this, but you are right, - to mine, all is necessary as it is necessary to discuss. But here still that: as though about sex at us conversation still was not, and I am afraid of the first to lift this subject. You know, I too consider or count what to hurry up it is not necessary. Yes I and never hurried up, is simple from a disadvantage of man's attention I do not suffer, so the problem such is.

12.06.2004, 21:45
And what for you hide, what the virgin? Of it or this to be proud it is necessary!

13.06.2004, 22:22
Well it is direct is not present plevy! Still as is, my guy too entered fingers and when the sexual member began to enter, was sick also a blood was! Here and the proof! All at you is normal, do not experience

15.06.2004, 05:28
And that he thinks that you any more the girl it is its or his problems! You do not say lies the main thing to him.

Isaev D.D.
15.06.2004, 19:10
Dear Maria! As to a hymen this question can become clear during the first sexual certificate or act. She can be weakly expressed, elastic or nearly so to be absent there Is a hymen or not is not essentially! Attitudes or relations always should be under construction on reciprocity. If you do not have desire to pass to more close relations, this your right which is completely not obligatory for endowing! Conversation on sex attitudes or relations (as well as about contraception) should be conducted in advance if you are not going to the responsibility to take only on yourself