Просмотр полной версии : Where and how to check up a semen on activity?... Suspicions at me from that, ch...

Alexey of M.
08.06.2004, 15:25
Where and how to check up a semen on activity?... Suspicion at me that I some times did or made "dirty trick" and did not speak about it or this the partnyorshe, and she all not zaberemenivaet and not zaberemenivaet... No. Certainly I do not want it or this! It is simply insulting for the seed!... Here I also wish to check up it or him on activity!
Question: where and how?

09.06.2004, 14:46
Leha, good you the guy. If she from one two times has not become pregnant, it still nothing means. Only, please, do not do or make more such checks if you do not want the child. And that, doproverjaeshsja, zeberemeneet she, what then you will do or make?

11.06.2004, 06:39
Yes such @ to geld or emasculate it is necessary! proverjalshik hr. It is new... And if has become pregnant?! You represent yourselves consequences of abortion??? Here, whether esteem that zaradi an educational program: http: // www. 9months. ru/press/9/6/6. htm
About all others I am sorry for an expression and onbscene language.

Isaev D.D.
11.06.2004, 14:43
Dear Alexey! Spermogrammu it is possible to make in any center of genesial medicine. And here similar "experiments" with partnershej concern to a category of meanness or low acts.

Masha from prostokvashino
13.06.2004, 00:14
Simply I join onbscene language....

Simply girl
13.06.2004, 17:20
One, the pancake, such proverjalshchik has already checked up on my girlfriend!!! I shall see - I shall kill! Or a muzzle I shall scratch so, that it is not enough not pokazhetsja!!! You Hear: you also do not know easier swine, that the girl when abortion does or makes experiences!!!

15.06.2004, 01:08
And what has clamped on "postinor"?