Просмотр полной версии : Yes by the way. .na pleasures has forgotten to ask. I here in club nochnom was (with the ...

04.06.2004, 02:57
Yes by the way. .na pleasures has forgotten to ask. I here in club nochnom was (with the girl) there to her have stuck one "villain" have occured or happened stychka this drunk " abnormal type " ogryob " qualitative piz... To her " then she "was simply enraged". I was very much udevlyon it or this (chesno even neozhidal from it or her such) mja raspjali as on a table at the surgeon. It is normal? Whether that case and too and more could that was after it or him kakto to affect or influence its or her mentality? She began to mention or touch;affect constantly a subject of sex and and constantly hints me that wants still (and very strongly hints) it normally?

04.06.2004, 07:49
MOREOVER can will advise as me further itself messages and as on all it to react

08.06.2004, 02:14
And more she namikaet on "non-standard" sex and it is normal?

11.06.2004, 00:29
Normally..., their urine in a toilet.

14.06.2004, 18:48
To mine, these events are not connected. But it tolko my opinion.