Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the Doctor! I had a problem in a sex life with the husband...

03.06.2004, 14:24
Hello, the Doctor!

I had a problem in a sex life with the husband, at me, item ch. ego-just all arranges that! He does not wish to make love. Speaks, that in general can manage bases of it or this. Thus, how much or as far as I know, he not masturbiruet. When I bring up it or this, he speaks: Well here you want, try me to get or start. Thus he does not wish to understand, that I wish to feel desired, I want, that the desire proceeded from it or him.
Usually this problem appears on the contrary - the wife does not give, well, and the husband does not give me... Mistresses at it or him cannot be - simply physically there is no at it or him time, our attitudes or relations in all rest very gentle and safe... To the doctor to go he refuses, t. To. Any pathology does not see. And me what to do or make?
P. S. Men if you can respond me with not the medical point of view, and on the example, I too shall be glad to listen... Help or assist me to understand, that to it or him occurs or happens...

04.06.2004, 02:56
How old is he, and how much to you (my apologies for not a modest question)? If he is young - to the doctor it or him to drag it is necessary, does not go - he means an impotent over though and it is not obligatory. And in general, try to include or switch on a porno, can will wake up in something...

04.06.2004, 08:16
When the head hurts you, monthly and other nonsense, that's all right. As soon as the muzhik does not want, all extinguish light?

The anonym
04.06.2004, 12:45
The beauty (well-groomed arms or hand, faultless clothes, a make up, OSINAJA the WAIST, GENTLE FEMURS can pomoch... And prizyvnyj a smell of spirits on a background chistogo-a pure or clean body.

06.06.2004, 05:11
I shall tell or say such thing. My girl too wants that each time I its or her ringleaders. Firstly all went well, but in due course it has ceased to like me, it wanted that and from its or her party or side was though any initiative. " I wish to feel desired, I want that the desire proceeded from the man " - to want a little, it is necessary to warm up sometimes this desire, to show as you too want it or him. And then precisely I speak - on job will come tousled and not slept.

07.06.2004, 05:19
2 Dima: " it is necessary to warm up sometimes this desire " - indogda, but it is not constant! And I speak that is constant! Though, m.., and I the truth itself am lazy... Can, he revenges me for something?
2: " as soon as the muzhik does not want, all extinguish light? " Is not present. I millet wish to understand the reason and proceeding from it or this to operate or work.
2Plechman: " try to include or switch on a porno, can will wake up in something... " In all fine wakes up both from a porno, and without a porno, but mne-that here would be desirable, that he has wanted to wake itself...

08.06.2004, 16:27
Flax if all is how you have described - that a case from area of a fantastic fantasy - costs or stands normally, but he would not like, any exotic in sex can be necessary to him, or not standards - ask, what imaginations at it or him happen, when you are engaged in it or this (-whether) and poprobujti them during a life to embody.
And in general all can where easier - if in all fine wakes up, and most to awake not ohoto - probably this consequence or investigation of constant weariness or nedosypa.

serge (anonim@zdorovja.net)
09.06.2004, 08:53
There can be two istonika problems
1) ordinary weariness. Sleeps a little, is late at job, etc. Let has a rest and it is active (walks, skis, etc.) and it is passive (a sofa and televozor)
2) relieve the monotony. It can be necessary for you is put on in something or to undress kak-that differently. poprobyvat kaie nibud neprevychnye places (the car the lift, etc.), can be porobyvat fast, passionate sex or on the contrary extend the love certificate or act on some chesov (with a long prelude, etc.)

Probably still it is possible to talk to you to your husband be frank can to him it would be desirable that that or on the contrary something would not be desirable. Only keep in mind, that suggesting to talk on souls or douches about its or his desires you as though give him hope that its or his desires will come true. prigotovtes, that he can wish something unexpected and consider in advance your reaction in this case to not put or render a moral trauma. Successes

10.06.2004, 07:07
And, whether it is enough you are sex, that he wanted you? There can be you full or do not watch or keep up yourself, do not use cosmetics, have grown a stomach or belly? There can be a business in it or this? And then, and, how earlier that at you was? Earlier he wanted you?

Thorn (not the doctor)
11.06.2004, 14:00
Ilya (only not ethically) has most close thrown. Yes, Elena, a problem can be in it or this is he you simply does not want (vy-that can be any sex, is simple At IT or him on you there is no lust). Divorce and a new life. Or the lover.