Просмотр полной версии : Dock, here you tell or say... Female anorgazmija it is more physical or psihiche...

08.06.2004, 10:04
Dock, here you tell or say... Female anorgazmija it is more physical or mental disadvantage. Difficultly for certain razdelist these two concepts: but all.

Isaev D.D.
09.06.2004, 18:24
There are some variants anorgazmii: Absolute anorgazmija when the orgasm is absent at any displays of sexuality (the relations, a petting, a masturbation). Coital anorgazmija when the orgasm is absent at the sexual certificate or act, but it is possible or probable at other sex displays (in a dream, at self-stimulation or during a petting). Difficulties at achievement of an orgasm when the orgasm sometimes is possible to reach or achieve and at the sexual certificate or act, but it occurs or happens seldom, hardly and demands greater or big efforts.
Anorgazmija shares on psychogenic (personally caused, primary) disturbances and symptomatic, secondary disturbances. Secondary anorgazmija is consequence or investigation of hormonal disturbances, pathologies of nervous system, somatopathies, and also depressions. The general or common specific gravity or relative density of symptomatic disturbances of an orgasm is not great. A great bulk anorgazmy make so-called functional anorgazmii which arise, on the one hand, as a result of psychological or psychogenic factors, and with another - under influence of any personal experiences and conflicts at the given woman or iz-for defects of technics or technical equipment of a sexual life.
At neurotic suppression of an orgasm the woman marks or celebrates, that though during affinity she and reaches or achieves as much as possible high level of exaltation (predorgasticheskogo a status), however something does not work . Often it occurs or happens because its or her attention concentrates on own pavors or every possible ideas that leads to suppression, blockade of exaltation. One women consider or count unnatural to humour and cannot masturbirovat, others receive mass of pleasure from self-stimulation, but cannot reach or achieve an orgasm with the partner. Really existing intimate relations raise or excite the woman in other cases a little and cannot lead to a high degree of exaltation and to an orgasm. She complains that nothing feels , cannot be excited or raised or that it or she does not have erogenic zones . Thus the woman is weighed not so much upon the dissatisfaction, how much comprehension of that the feeling of pleasure from intimal dialogue, that she not such, as all is unfamiliar to her.
Occurrence of blockade or inhibition orgasticheskoj discharges is promoted by a lot of psychological factors among which can be excessively strict sexual education with a uncooperative altitude to sex, disgust for the men, the violence gone through earlier, feeling of pavor and phobia of a physical trauma, sensation of fault for "dirty" sex desires. The pavor of pregnancy, a casting-off or aversion of the partner (on appearance and behaviour), the matrimonial conflict, mistrust, animosities or absence of feeling of love also can suppress an orgasm. Some women equate intimate relations and an orgasm to loss of the control over self or to aggression, cruelty and violence. Fears and pavors of a similar sort can be expressed in inhibition of exaltation and impossibility to go through orgasticheskuju a discharge.
At the got form anorgazmii the woman till any moment did not test problems with an orgasm. The reason of its or his disappearance or eradication in these cases appears psihotravma (change or accrueing or increasing alienation to the partner). Non-realized in partnership the romantic equipments or installations in itself too are the reason anorgazmii. Absence of warm emotional mutual relations can lead to that bringing down of contacts up to a level of only one sexual certificates or acts does not satisfy the woman.
In some cases the problem is covered in an inaaccurance of behaviour of the man caused by its or his inexperience, ignorance i/or inability to excite or raise the woman. Similar effect can have and sex dysfunctions at the man (as a rule, a premature ejaculation). Obsessional demands of an orgasm from the husband can have a boomerang effect as the orgasm in this case turns to a duty, and sex - in job. The rasping behaviour of the husband and absence lask does not give the woman of sufficient exaltation for an orgasm. In these cases anorgazmija has imaginary character and it is caused by problems of the partner.