Просмотр полной версии : My partner asks to make to him miniet, and I neznaju as to make it. Prompt...

27.05.2004, 17:38
My partner asks to make to him miniet, and I neznaju as to make it. Prompt me?

28.05.2004, 13:28
Kiss, caress, suck, only akkuratno-do not bite zubkami!

29.05.2004, 07:14
Look porno-kinoshku and remember, business not artful...

The anonym
30.05.2004, 13:01
The main thing be not afraid, a man's member very smooth and pleasant, relax, allow you to like the god! Success! And technics or technical equipment - esteem the Kama Sutra, there it is well described

31.05.2004, 15:53
Aha, my guy too has advised me a porno to look or see. Well, I have looked or seen and what? As I to him shall tell or say, that at it or him the member in 3 times is less, than at cinema and if I shall clasp its or his arm or hand in a mouth there will be nothing to thrust.

01.06.2004, 00:16
Olja, you are not right! In a porno greater or big that it was easier to make out are removed or taken out specially especially. Actually not in sizes sense...

The anonym
02.06.2004, 02:10
Olja, an arm or a hand to clasp not necessarily, and in porn more often the technics or technical equipment not so good... Without special imagination

03.06.2004, 17:48
(Bottom ananimu) wipe eyes, gde-where, and in porno-kinoshkah as soon as are not bent...

to Plechman
04.06.2004, 04:29
In that continually, that in a porno they "are bent"! Well will make devchyonka as there, will thrust more deeply, to choke - and will do or make it for the partner! Never to her to like, it will be simple TO be able.
If I oralu with pornu studied, I nikoda could not grow fond of it to do or make, to not look, pachat potihonechku better, let the guy will prompt as... And with practice the technics or technical equipment will come also!

Inogdapozvoljajusebe it
04.06.2004, 20:00
Begin as ice-cream to eat you begin. Then cautiously a bridle it is possible tongue or zubkami (only do not bite) to caress. An end of tongue in an aperture to get. And then strongly tongue to press to a palate. And as the child goud sucks immitirovat. And in general after mineta muscles of a mouth with neprivychki can terribly hurt or terribly be ill;terribly be sick, so all over again a few or a little;little bit time spend for it. And still or even to like it is necessary, that disgust was not.

05.06.2004, 16:51
(to 16 52): well I did not mean such things what at you are described, I meant - to look or see, what to receive though any evident representation if the girl in general about it or this does not know anything, and further already, naturally, she does or makes as her conveniently, without a dyscomfort for herself.