Просмотр полной версии : Tell or Say, how regular viewing of a pornography influences sex health...

24.05.2004, 18:55
Tell or Say, how regular viewing of a pornography influences sex health. The matter is that my brother in the days and at the nights sits on the Internet and the porno looks. Whether it is harmful?

The anonym
24.05.2004, 23:16
Sex health does not influence in any way; on mental - yes...

The anonym
25.05.2004, 21:47
opit-otlicnaea shtuka!

26.05.2004, 21:27
Probably, to him it is simple there is nobody these or it;this in real life to borrow or occupy. Perhaps, costs or stands with good girl it or him to acquaint? And in general, I think, that sooner or later it will bother him.

27.05.2004, 06:46
Harmfully for mentality. I too kogda-that looked and was raised or excited. But gradually began to bother. First I looked erotic photos, then prielos. Then began to look pornographic, and too in due course prielos. Then began to look pornovideo, and too in kontse-the extremities or ends has bothered. And to bother began when it ceased to be raised or excited. And now, that is called has finished badly, because already for a long time it is time to lose virginity, and I some times laid down with women in bed - though that would be stirred. Has seen enough - the kind of the naked or exposed woman now does not raise or excite. And here now I sit, I shake an Internet on a subject - how to return the past, and nobody can give normal practical advice or council, as business in mentality. Disaccustom it or him to it or this as soon as possible.

JUlja (Vlad)
28.05.2004, 19:03
How to return the past? To fall in love. Then, I think, all and will return.

Vlad-> JUle
29.05.2004, 22:09
It to me more than once advised, but with it or this just and has begun. The first was just that which liked. It would be desirable to embrace, kiss, caress, care even it would be desirable. Within a month we tried 5 times. And anything. Mutual caress, a petting... There was that all this very pleasantly, but is not exciting. Therefore she has solved, that I do not want it or her, and have suggested to leave... To persuade it or her it was senseless to not do or make it or this, normal sex that I could not give her is necessary to her. And though sex and love of a thing different but as shows an expert, when there is no the first, the second if and is that quickly passes or takes place.

The anonym
30.05.2004, 12:10
Julia's advice or council vljubitsja-it is simply healthy! You have forgotten one small detail: the love under the order does not exist, and not all gives such GREATEST SKILL And FEELING! I wish all to comprehend or overtake love: present or true, strong, correct! But one desire in this case a little...

Isaev D.D.
01.06.2004, 00:57
Dear Sergey! Viewing of pornographic materials as have shown researches, does not render negative influence on sexuality, and acts as a substitute of partner attitudes or relations, way to satisfy erotic and sex famine more often. With an establishment of emotionally rich attitudes or relations with the liked person, the need or requirement for such materials sharply falls!