Просмотр полной версии : Here again the question, can and not here it was necessary... Well good! Here! I devstv...

Small fish
23.05.2004, 21:17
Here again the question, can and not here it was necessary... Well good! Here!
I devstvenna. With the guy dolaskalis up to such degree, that that has terminated (arms or hand too has soiled). It was wiped by a towel and we allow to caress further... Then he has entered to me a finger into a vagina, type thinking, that virgins to become pregnant are not able:) Well and so. I am afraid.. Whether I could become pregnant?! Arms or hand that at it or him like were dry.. And who knows, can there under fingernails or nails of that remains?:
In dr. Conferences to me have told or said, that type lana the guy the fool, and a silly woman of what thought. So I also thought!!! Has simply reacted late: (
Ter it is simple from mind or wit I descend or go: ((((

25.05.2004, 13:21
And chyo to descend or go? If has become pregnant, TA-THAT!!!!! The phenomenon new devy-marii and a birth of the Christ to people in 2000. Predicted or forecast. If is not present, FU-u-at... Has carried by, but beat it or him on arms or hand next time. He with dirty arms or hand will approach or suit to you, so you not only will become pregnant, but also will pick up any kalpitik for the beginning.

Isaev D.D.
26.05.2004, 06:47
Dear Small fish! If he has wiped arms or hand, the probability of pregnancy is smallest!

Thorn (not the doctor)
27.05.2004, 15:44
Hm... Excuse for lack of information, but unless spermatozoons can get through plevu??

The anonym
27.05.2004, 19:39
Tell or Say how much the first sexual certificate or act at the man lasts on time? (at my guy he lasts pair minutes, but second time we come off on full. It is normal?)

Thorn (not the doctor)
29.05.2004, 03:00
At all - to a miscellaneous. 2 minutes FOR the MAJORITY are too quickly. Usually it is 5 10 minutes. If problems with vtorymi-third times are not present, do not strain.

Isaev D.D.
29.05.2004, 21:31
It is necessary to specify. The hymen has one or several small apertures through which spermatozoons can get and even it is possible to enter a phalanx of a finger. Average duration of the spontaneous sexual certificate or act for the man from 2 till 5 minutes, repeated certificates or acts usually last time of offensive or approach of an ejaculation is much more longly and easier supervised.