Просмотр полной версии : Uze god zivu s chelovekom kotorogo ljublju i uvazaju. Prakticheski kazdij d...

27.05.2004, 18:08
Uze god zivu s chelovekom kotorogo ljublju i uvazaju. Prakticheski kazdij denj pitajemsja zanjatsja seksom, no uvi-u njego problemi s erkecijei. Vsjo nachalosj s pervoi ze popitki blizosti. Erekcija u nego estj, no nepolnaja i bistro propadajet. Nam uze daleko za 30. Ja jego ne uprekaju, no hochetsja polnocennogo seksa. Mi oba dorozim naschumi otnoscenijami. Kak mnje jemu pomoch? Na prijem k specialistu on idti ne hochet-uveren chto vsjo naladitsja samo soboi.

Isaev D.D.
28.05.2004, 10:13
Dear Tatyana! There is Enough often the man so hesitate of the problem that are afraid even to go on reception to the doctor. I am assured or confident, that the situation is reperable, but at your partner " the syndrome of expectation of failure " was generated, as prevents each time to find to him a high-grade erection.
What it is possible to advise? To cause or call the sexologist on the house; most to descend or go on consultation and to receive the developed or unwrapped references about some receptions which can be used for rendering assistance to the partner (I can not give detailed references here, t. To. Discussion of many nuances and details in a dialogue regimen for selection of the best variant) is required; it is possible to get a tablet of viagra and to give him for an hour up to affinity (but one tablet hardly will solve a problem, the jerk can give belief in the forces only any course of treatment).